
Okay. School.?

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Well, I didnt go to school today. Because, I felt horrible waking up. I have missed a total of 17 days this year. It is bringing down my grades, and Im scared I could have to retake 7th grade. Its just, I never feel good anymore. I always go to the doctor, but they say im fine. I just always feel terrible at school. And I cant go to the nurse, because she just yells at you for coming up there. What do I do?! 10 pts to best answer.




  1. I missed a lot of school this year to.  I have a bunch of things like depression, anxiety, and ADHD.  Ask your parents if they can take you to some therapy or counseling because I know that it will really help.  Because I missed so much school, I have to go to summer school and possibly retake 9th grade.

    I'm not going to bore you up by saying school is important and stuff like that, but I am gonna say that you will regret it later if you don't go.  I know that I am.  I had to go to an alternative called TLC (The Learning Center).  That was my choice though because I really don't like the high school where I go, personal issues.

    I hope that all goes well with you, your parents, and going back to school.  Have a nice day =]  If you ever need to talk to someone you can IM me, I'm home during the day.  cuttie_21_sweetiepie

  2. Hey, maybe you should talk to your parents about how you are feeling emotionally it sounds like you might have some depression. Do you have a school councilor to talk with

  3. Did the doctor ever test you for diabetes?    This is an illness that is often missed by doctors, because they don't routinely test for it in seemingly healthy young people.   When you go to the doctor, he probably takes your temperature and looks down your throat and in your ears and says, "Yeah, she's fine!"  But did he ever do bloodwork?   If you continue to feel queasy and lightheaded all the time, your parents should have you tested.

  4. what school r u going to because am a  7th grader to and i have missed alot to   well good luck :-)

  5. Instead of seeing the school nurse, maybe you could make a visit to the guidance counselor.  He/She would be your best resource as to what to do next.  If you only feel bad at school then there is probably some kind of anxiety issue.  If you are anxious and depressed, your body can react any number of ways.  Even as a teenager, my stomach was always a mess when I got nervous or upset.  If you feel sick at other times, then just keep pushing at the Dr's.

  6. hey there must be a reason y u do not want to go school? maybe you could discuss it with your parents or bascially your hormones even i have bad days when i wake up but i find going school takes my mind off it.
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