
Okay. This really hurt?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday i was in the movie theater. Im 14 And i was Kicked in the testicles for the first time It was sooo omfg Painful He kicked me so hard that i was crying for about 15 minutes in the movie theater and everyone was staring at me it hurt soo bad what was ur worst expierience. Some of the people were laughing behind me and i was just like EEK




  1. some people have sensitive sacks. I don't well i used to but if you know it's coming brace yourself it won't hurt as bad. I do this weird breathing exercise and the pain is minimal.

  2. aww poor baby, i hope u feel better. lol. im not a dude but THAT sounds painful, but hey women have to go through much worst pain at giving birth...

  3. That sucks......

    that sucks a lot :(

  4. the boy that kick you needs to be casterated or if it were a girl she need to have her dad casterated. thats one place that is very very tender you dont go around getting that beat up. you might of hurt it so bad you could of had a hernina . watch your front area and dont put it out there to be kicked.  

  5. sorry that happened buddy

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