
Okay WHAT DO I DO!!!!

by  |  earlier

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so me and my lyounger sister are very close.she tells me about her crushes and little secrets && things like that. one day i went into her room and she was in the restroom and i saw she was watching p**n on t.v and on her laptop. i didn't want to tell my parents anything cause they'd freak out. but what do i tell her or how do i talk to her. and is it normal for a 12 year old to watch that?




  1. I believe it has nothing wrong to watch them once since she maybe wants to learn some things, kids sometimes need some answers and they cant find them by asking because it might be difficult for them to express them. You should just speak to her about this and help her understand that if she has any questions about this subject she can just ask u to give her some answers...

  2. she's curious.  It's normal. Talk to her and explain the difference between p**n and love making.  

  3. That does sound a little old for her to be doing...  If you want to keep her trust, don't tell your parents, this isn't something they need to know.  I would sit her down and talk to her about how this is something that kids really shouldn't be watching.  I wouldn't freak out about it, just approach it gently because she might feel attacked and get defensive, and she's probably embarrassed about it, or she would have told you because you two are so close.  Just tell her that you happened to come in when she was watching it, and that watching p**n is something that really should be reserved for adults.  In all honesty, she's probably just curious, as most people are at that age.  Tell her that it's okay to be curious, just to start exercising it in more constructive ways.  And since you're the older sister, it might even help if she asked you questions or whatever she was trying to find out by watching p**n.  Good luck, I hope it works out!

  4. Do not tell your parents--yet.

    Tell your sister that this is not very healthy. Tell her that having s*x is way different from loving someone. Tell her that you think this is giving her the wrong idea about getting naked with, kissing and allowing someone to get near her. Remind her that her body is hers -that is it precious and holy--and she needs to guard it .--her mind, too.

    Tell her you are a little worried about her watching that junk. Ask her what she thinks about it, and get her ideas about being sexually active.

    If she is sexually active-be cool with her-then tell your mother ASAP. She needs to have the talk, and needs to get on birth control TODAY!

    You can learn a lot with questions, and your mother only needs to know if she is putting herself in DANGER!

    A sexually active 12-year old is dynamite.

    Thanks for being jsuch a good sister. You are in a position to do a great deal of good for her.

  5. Yes it is innapropriate for a 12 year old girl to watch p**n. Although it is natural in a way. You need to ask her..

    why did you want to watch that?

    How does it make you feel?

    Who introduced it to you?

    I wouldnt let the parents know quite yet, unless it gets worse or out of control. But its just curiosity.

  6. its inappropriate to watch p**n at that age. they become very sexual active later on those years. and you should warn her that having s*x isn't just pleasure. it has defects, meaning like if she were to have s*x she should be protected, and i don't JUST mean to be on birth control, but to use contraceptives that protect her from getting an STD of some sort. i hope i helped.
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