
Okay. What happend first the dinosaurs or the ice age? And didn't the ice age kill off all the animals?

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I am just curious i just got finished watching Ice Age 2: The meltdown. So just please tell me what you think. Oh Yeah and did the dinosaurs get killed during the ice age if it all happend together.




  1. There have been many ice ages over the history of the Earth.  The most recent ended approximately 12,000 years ago, which is very recently in geologic terms.  However, the dinosaurs died off about 65 MILLION years ago, which is still fairly recent, but a long time before that recent period of glaciation.   They were most likely killed off by a giant meteor impact or a period of incredible volcanic activity, which triggered widespread climate change, and perhaps resulted in an ice age.  But possibly the clouds of ash and dust in the air were enough to kill off most plants, which the terrestrial food chains depended on, thus killing off the dinosaurs.

  2. The ice age happend 10,000 years ago, and dinosaurs died out a few million years ago. That is if you believe in evolution.

    In my personal apinion, Who says dinosaurs died out. Yah sure a lot of them are dead. But there's plenty of proof dinosaurs are and still on this earth. But most of them died out in the natural Flood. Yes I said Flood.

    roughly ten thousand years ago a Comet hit the Earth. Be more precise it hit a water barrier above the Earth and instantly froze hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. And all of that came down upon the north part of northern america. Thus why we have frozen mammoths. Most of north america became ice while more of the water mantle came down over the rest of the world, also destabalizeing waters below the earth. The earth expanded tremendously because of the technonic shift that happend all at once. which is why the techtonic plates are so thin in the deeper oceans, and why south america looks like it will fit into Africa.

    In my opinion and concusion of this, most of the dinosaurs died out at the same time, as many animals in an ice age/flood

  3. The earth has undergone cold climates (what you would call an ice age) at least several times, some of which occurred well before any plants or animals even lived on land.

    The most recent ice age, the one you are asking about, started about 3 million years ago, and is actually still happening.  Greenland and Antarctica are still ice covered, after all.  So, clearly, the ice age didn't kill everything.

    Dinosaurs, the huge reptiles, were essentially wiped out by a world-wide catastrophe about 65 million years ago.  If you think of an ice age as a catastrophe, imagine a mountain striking the earth at thousands of miles an hour.  BAM!

    A lot of animals survived well into the ice age.  Actually, many died because things got warm, the warm period we are now in, which started about 14 thousand years ago, and not because things got cold.  Ironic, wouldn't you say?  

    The warmth has been great for some animals (like humans) and plants, but not so good for others.  This is just what always happens on earth.  things change, and some living things benefit and others suffer.

    And this is of course why plant and animal life evolves.  things do not stay the same for very long on earth.  Long to us personally, but not long in terms of the big picture.  A hundred years is a blink of the eye from the viewpoint of the earth.

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