
Okay boy help please...

by  |  earlier

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ok so i like this guy. hes a skater and im finding that all of them are the same... my other guy friend is the same and we kinda went thru this pattern:

total LOVE to total HATE. over 2 days.

tomorow im afraid if i ask him for his number and we end up goin out that we will go thru the same pattern.....




  1. steer away from boys for a little while. you sound WAY too wrapped up in social business.

    sorry hon. i'm just being truthfull

  2. It wasn't love if it only lasted two days. You don't know what love is.

    Just ask the guy, just because they have similar interests (skating) doesn't mean they have the same personality. That's just a stereotype.

    If you never bother to try you'll never really know.

  3. hey try it out. you never know he might be different from all the other guys:]. but i understand where you coming from because i had the same situation too. just try not to become really good friends with him because you will end up hating him and ending a possibly good friendship. i did that and i don't regret what happened because i learned something from it but it sucks that i hate the guy who was always there for me.

  4. not necessarily, hes a completely different person personality wise so go for him and see.

  5. hummmm that dosnt really make sence maybe hes bipolor? ~xoxo ally*

  6. You'll never know if you don't try.  

  7. Get his number then flirt with him allot. If he flirts back and stuff then you should ask him out! But DO NOT become good friends with a Guy then go out with him, I did that and now I HATE him and wish I would've never done that. That is prolly what happened with the other guy.

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