
Okay can different types of clownfish breed together?

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Like an ocellaris clown fish breed with a Cinnamon clown fish




  1. They can but it is not very often. It is called hybridization. If there are two cinnamon clowns they will breed with eachother!

  2. While hybridisation between some species is genetically not impossible, it is unlikely, mainly due to size differences and temperament clashes, clownfish are not very peaceful or tolerating of each other!

  3. Ocellaris and Cinnamons won't breed.  Most clowns of different species should not even be kept in the same tank and won't interbreed. There has been no record of clowns cross breeding in the wild or in a tank.  That is like breeding a goldfish with an oscar.

    If you stick to one type you have a better chance of having eggs, however the rearing of the eggs is another story.  Prior to breeding a rearing tank must be set up and matured prior to using for eggs and fry.

    Clown fish eggs will only hatch in the dark.  Once you have a rearing tank you will need to cover the entire outside with black plastic or even paint it.  This is the only way the fry will find their food.

    leaving eggs in a salt tank with inverts or other fish will lead to the death of most of the eggs and fry.

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