
Okay can someone clear this up for me?

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okay on the day of jugdement someone told me that dajal comes for like 40 yrs and then all the other judgeing happens

and someone else told me no not for 40 yrs

okay so does someone wanna like fill me in here?

does dajal come for 40 yrs or not?





  1. what happens is that dajjal comes and then Isa (jessus) comes to kill dajal and Isa will live for 40 years since he didnt live the rest of his life when people tried to crucify him.  

  2. ok I have quite a bit of info on the topic.. but just to answer the 40 yrs... it is 40 days.

    Hadith - Muslim #7015, Narrated An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an  

    cont............We said: Allah's Apostle , how long will he stay on Earth?

    He said: For forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be like your days.

    We said: Allah's Apostle will one day's prayer suffice for the prayers of the day equal to one year?

    Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an estimate of the time (and then observe prayer). .... continued.

  3. Well He will be Here for ONly 40 Days But those 40 Days will Feel like 40 Years Cause time Will Pass very very Slowly !

  4. Dajjal comes. Spreads lies. Gains followers. Mahdi comes. Preaches against Dajjal. Jesus comes and kill the Dajjal. Simple and to the point.

  5. i was taught after jesus, pbuh, is sent down to earth to fight the dajjal, then there will be 40 yrs left until judgment day.

  6. it is only 40 days, 1st day passes as an hour, and the last day passes as a year.

  7. well dajal is the one eyed person with kaffar written on his/her forehead. I dont think its specifically 40 years, but he/she does comeout before the day of kyamt/day of judgement. Once your resurrected, he will say do you believe in Allah SWT, and if you say yes he will chop you in half. THen you get resurrected again, and then so forth. hope this helped.

    Stay on the strait path :)  

  8. A salam alykum.. the dajjal will go to every city in this world in 40 days.. he will not be able to enter the city of medinah and mekkah.

  9. Prophet Isa(alahy salaam) is the one who will stay in this world for 40 years, he will get married lead the muslims to victory and everyone will become a muslim that is as much as I can remember. I don't know if we know how long the Dajjal will stay.

    Hopefully someone else will answer I will star it for ya.

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