
Okay even though i know abt HIV but still i hav sum questions?

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When can it be detected in blood tests? How will know if my future partner might be free from it? and is it true that the Hiv virus is a disease from monkeys?!




  1. If a person was infected by a partner with the virus it would not show up on a test in the first few days. When I do HIV testing I tell people HIV will usually show up 90% of the time with in the 1st 30 days after being infected, it's 94-96% after 60 days and 99.6% after 90 days- there are a few people who take longer.

    If you were in a relationship with a partner that look like it was going to last, I suggest that partners test together and some point in the relationship and then still use condoms and re-test 90 days later. That way you are 100% sure. In fact I urge a full STD screening.

    As far as the monkey theory, there was a PBS broadcast that suggested that men in the African jungles would hunt the monkeys and over a period of time and many battles the monkeys created wounds in the men's arms and the men in the monkeys where their bloods did mix- it is a theory. The fact of the matter is HIV is here and it's not going away soon, so look to what can be, not what happened.

  2. HIV CANNOT be dectected as soon as you've contracted it.  It takes at least 2 weeks and as much as 8 weeks for you to develop enough antibodies for them to be at a detectable level for the test to be performed.

    RNA tests can detect the presence of the virus in as little as 9 days.

    You won't be able to tell if you future partner is free of HIV/AIDS unless they are tested and show you the paperwork.  

    HIV virus is NOT a disease from monkeys-you can't catch it from them.  HIV stands for HUMAN immunodeficiency virus.  There is a similar virus known as SIV or simian immunodeficiency virus.  It is generally believed that the HIV mutated from the SIV.  When viruses mutate from animals and begin to infect humans, this is known as a zoonoses.  

    Here is a really good website that can answer any more questions you have:

  3. Ok so I'll be happy to answer your questions:

    -It can take as little as 6 weeks to 6 months for HIV to show up on blood tests. Currently you should wait for 3 months for the blood tests and then get a saliva test (those are majorly FREE if you live near a university they may prove free tests to also people who do attend the university) these are just as accurate but you should use these between 3-6 months. There are also urine tests but I really have no idea how those work.

    -The only way to know about your future partner having it is to have them get tested. If they care about you, they will understand your concern and will be happy to test for you to prove they are free from this. You should also use condoms STILL. Just to be on the safe side if they do not choose to get tested.

    -I have read something on the lines of that but no one is really certain HOW HIV came to be. It's unknown I think but really it's hard to know where this disease even comes from.

    -ALSO, do not be nervous about testing. You are doing the RIGHT thing of getting tested and it's nothing to be embarassed about. Know your status and stay safe.  

  4. It can be deteced as soon as it's contracted. There is no way of knowing, unless he has a blood test to make sure.

    And yes, it originated from Rhesus Monkeys. A tribe used to drink their blood, and hence the virus passed to the human race - only about 30 years ago.

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