
Okay here is the deal my nephew who is 6 yrs old got his first bb gun well my son who is 5 almost 6 is wantin

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one now... my nephew is only aloud to shoot it when his dad is around, same with my son IF I WAS to get him one, as for me i still think they are too little , young to have one... question is do ya'll think a 5 and 6 yr old is to young for a BB gun




  1. Safe gun handling is what is important. Anyone of just about any age can understand safe gun handling. Take your child to a training facility or go through an online gun safety course with him. A BB gun whether it is shooting plastic or metal BB's should still be treated as a weapon.

    All children should be supervised when handling a weapon of any type (even a paintball marker). There are gun ranges and fish and wildlife commissions that will gladly help you educate your son on safe gun handling.

    I was hunting with my dad at three (and I'm a woman) and we just took my 8 yo. son to the gun range to practice with firearms.

  2. plastic or not, they are both waaayyy too young.

  3. Personally I think that is WAY too young to have something that can penetrate skin. I think when they are old enough to shoot it themselves without supervision is when they should get 15 or so...might just be me tho

  4. I honestly think it is too young, but that is a personal opinion. I think it also depends on the child, if they are mature and non-violent then it could be okay. But if they have any violent out!

    "You'll shoot your eye out!" (A Christmas Story)

  5. He will shoot his eye out hahahahahahahaha

  6. alot of kids start shooting actual .22 rifles at that age.   Only under very strict adult supervision though.   Teaching them the basics of safe gun handling at that age will teach them to be safe with real firearms at an older age.....they will develop good habits that are second nature to them, and be much safer gun handlers as adults.

    If you aren't Extremely experienced with firearms yourself though, I would recommend the airsoft guns with the plastic bb's first.  good thing about them....if they are fired in the house, very little damage will occur.   and other than a direct hit to the eye, they will not do any damage to your child other than small bruises.....which in my opinion will teach him a lesson anyway.

    Try asking the same question under the category of sports/outdoors/hunting....your answers will then come from people who are lifelong shooters and can give tips for even more safety.

  7. WTF are you on about...why the h**l does your kid have a flippin are obviously American..... why would you teach your child to use any type of gun???? sorry but its all WRONG..... WTF are people teaching their kids these days?  So happy I am Australian and my son isnt growing up in a nation where its ok to have guns!!

  8. depends.. if its the ones with the little plastic bullets it ok... but the metal ones.. i would not alow him to.

  9. who the h**l gives a 6 year old a bb gun??? thats way too young....

  10. Whew!  This is scary for me!  I don't think kid's should have bb guns!  At All!!  They are so dangerous, there have been countless injuries and with children alot older.  Yikes, please don't do this!!!

  11. 6 is too young for a bb gun. You can still put an eye out even if they are plastic bb's.

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