
Okay how come when i call this station [103.7 kiss fm] my call doesnt go through?

by  |  earlier

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so im trying to win a contest from 103.7 kiss fm in milwaukee, WI

and i called 799-1037, doesnt work.

414-799-1037 didnt work

1-414-799-1037 didnt work!

so does ANYONE know what the number is?

and this contest is for jonas brothers tickets and meet and greets.




  1. Because Ryan Seacrest is a douchebag.

  2. because millions of people are calling

  3. the one in chicago( i think) IS 1 312 591 1035, but yea its busy like almost 24/7! lol

  4. The Mrs. is on the right track. Though in Milwaukee it's not millions, but at least several thousand people trying to get through at the same time.

    There are a couple of different types of busy signals. If it's a "fast-busy" that means the circuits are busy. If it's your basic everyday busy signal - that's the station's phones. If you get a pause - don't hang up, it might indicate you're going through. Don't be so nervous you mistakenly hang-up on a ring (I've seen it happen). If the line rings - you're probably going to get through. Whether you are Number 25 or not...

    Don't waste your time on any other numbers as the rules are clear. Concentrate on 799-1037 at the "top of the hour" (that means 3 o'clock (3:00), 4 o'clock (4:00) etc. and have your three-digit code ready, too. That means listen all day to find out which ones have been tried unsuccessfully. Join the KISS club (free) to find out the losing combinations from other days. Make sure you set your clock by a national time service, so you're both on the same time (usually your computer does this automatically).

    Try calling a couple of seconds before the top of the hour. Maybe you'll get through just after they clear the lines. Have friends/family with you using their phones, too. Land-lines are faster than cell phones.

    Also see my answer to: "Does anyone know a trick to radio contests?"

    for a more detailed method.

    Good luck!

    -a guy named duh

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