
Okay how do i keep my hair straight all day?

by Guest66946  |  earlier

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so i really want to wear my hair down but i can't because it's naturally curly and "poofy" :] and very very very thick....(i have to get a special person to cut it; only person i trust...)i straighten it but like maybe like 30 minutes later it starts to get really frizzy and poofy and curly again... I've Tried Everything.... nothing works so i have a tendency to pull my hair back EVERY day... none of my BEST yes i said BEST friends have ever even seen me wear my hair down.... wut can i do withouth spending a lot of money?




  1.   Well a straightening asian thing is always ad option but something cheaper might be to just get a bottle of good hair holding spray from CVS and just spray your hair everywhere with it and then it will probably stay just hope that it does... hope this helps =D

  2. I would say use Tresemme Straightening line, it has a gel that not only helps protect your hair when straightened but helps it from frizzing and has a nice hold on the hair for whatever style you choose. Also here are some other tips:

    1. Go to the salon, and ask to get your hair thinned and "texturize" to appear and feel thinner

    2. Maybe consider getting a light relaxer, not only does that cut out on the density of your hair, but it also makes your curls looser and more manageable. But, if you like your curly hair I suggest that you ask them to make sure you want to keep your curls just make them a little looser.

    3. Invest on two things: a really good flat iron i suggest (Sedu, Solia, or if you don't want to go that expensive conair works good as well, but i have very very thick, coarse, curly hair and my solia gets it done and perfect in 40 min, scout the reviews out at And this book: Curly girl by Lorraine Massey it will save your life


  3. paul mitchell hairspray

  4. go to the hairdresser and get your hair thinned out alot! its gonna help if they thin it enough.

    after you straighten it put in some gloss drops(redkin works really well) and hairspray

    this will hopefull help you :)

  5. to keep your hair straight all day straighten it the night before and in the morning, after straightening in the morning, put some Aussie mousse in it

  6. Nothing

    u will have 2 buy that new COnair steamer and straightener iron

  7. try blowdrying it... while my hair isn't curly i find it works better than to let it dry by itself and then straightening it. and you could use one of those products they put in your hair when its wet before they straighten it, i dont know what theyre called haha. hairspray also helps.

    or you could just wear your hair curly! put mousse or gel or hairspray or something in it while its wet and just wear it curly. i love curly hair; you should rock it! haha

  8. well i have really thick, naturally curly hair too and i have the same problem. Except when i straighten my hair i only staighten it once a week because it's really hard on your hair. Maybe your not straightening slow enough. When you are staightening a section of hair pull it slowly and let the steam go up. instead of straightening your hair everyday i would scrunch your hair. curly hair is better than straight hair, that's my opinion.

  9. use a steam straightener to keep it straight and for the puffy use mouse

  10. ausie hair spray

  11. There are sprays you can buy to spray in your hair before you flat iron it [$6 walgreens, target, walmart etc.] It will keep it straiter longer.

    Use a straightening shampoo and conditioner and put straightening serum in your hair after your style is finished.

    Complete with hairspray. :)

  12. Well first of all, stay away from moisture such as humidity and water. Before you straighten your hair, make sure your hair is completely dry, and that ALL of the conditioner is out of it.  I have really curly hair too, its a pain, but I make it work.  You might want to use a really good straightener like a Chi, yeah its money, but it cost way less then getting your hair permanently straightened, which also a mistake.

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