
Okay i'm freaked out; eye contact question?

by Guest63412  |  earlier

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Okay i'm about to get my first eye contacts and i already made an appt with the doc to get my prescription number for contacts because glasses have been giving me a hassle. However, i have been told that if i wear clear contacts which i am; that it will get stuck in ur eyelid and it'll role back into ur eye and go in your brain; then u'll have some extreme brain surgery to get it out. Idk if my sis is jst freaking me out which i think she is. But im curious;; and is it hard to remove clear contacts bcus i've been told that it's rele hard to take out nd you wont know which is your eye and which is the contact.




  1. Well, your sis is probably just joking with you because I have clear contacts and have been using them for years and I have had no problems whatsoever! Just please remember where the contact is!

  2. Your sis is being such a B****. I mean, you're already freaked out, so why rub it in? (haha, but no pun intended)

    No offense I hate peeps who do that.....

    N E way, it is kinda hard to put your contacts in and take'em out...but after a week, you should get the hang of it.

    And, NO!!!! it's impossible to get your contacts stuck in your brain, and if your contacts do get lodged somewhere, a few blinks will make it drop out.

    Don't worry.

    At least you won't have it as bad as I did....

    I got mine 2 years ago, 2 days before camp.

    The training session in the eye doctor's was hard because it took me 5 min to get one contact out.

    The next day I spent 1/2 an hr practicing taking'em out....

    at camp I could still barely take'em out...

    All the peeps in my cabin were like eeew! you're pulling your eye lid up! and whoa! I'd hate to be you! and does that hurt?

    Yeah, I guess I managed, tho.

    I'm still alive with contacts.

    Once you get used to them, you can't even feel'em!!!!!!

    Sry for long answer

  3. hehe,she's freaking you out! No way,contacts are awesome and of course they can't go anywhere further than your eye.

    It's actually harder to put them in for the first few times but you get used to it and it becomes like a second nature.

  4. Um, no there is no possible way for the contact to go behind the eye into the brain. There is a tissue that is called the conjunctiva that connects from the eye to the eyelids that becomes the eyelid, there is no way for anything to get back behind the eye. Contacts are typically very slightly tinted with a handling tint, and that will make it much easier for you to see it. It's not that hard to see contacts on the eye, no worries!! Your sister is just being, well, a sister!

  5. OMG, just get 5% tinted ones

  6. okay. you need to chill lol. contacts are fine. u just have to find the right paire. they do not roll back in to eyes and get stuck to your brain. you can tell where they are, u can kinda see them. you just have to get used to taking them in and out and stuff. you'll get it. they are so much better than glasses.

  7. i'm not gonna lie, it is hard to get them in and out in the beginning, but you get used to it very quickly

    but never sleep in them

  8. totally not true i asked my doctor the same question because i heard rumors and he said it was impossible if your worried ask him/her yourself :)

  9. You can see them. Your sister is yanking your chain....hard.

    even if they did roll up they can NOT migrate to your brain.

    Ive been wearing contacts for over 10 years and never had a problem with losing one in my eye.

  10. I used contacts for 30 years, clear ones, and the only time you're going to get one stuck on your eye is if you go to sleep with them in. It's irritating, but it isn't a big deal.

    Soft lenses, whether everyday wear or throw away are tolerated more easily.

    I don't know why some is telling you these stupid stories -- or why you believe them. As your eye doc about this and between laughs, he'll tell you the truth.

    There is always a chance of something happening. But your sister is having fun with you (or she's a nitwit).

  11. ur sister is being a cow. no that wont happen. they are great and easy to use.

  12. Contacts are great. I have clear ones and have never had a problem. Dont listen to your sister. When you put the contact in, you have to roll your eyes around a little bit, and it will 'stick' to the colored part. So all you have to do when you take them out is pinch the contact and it comes right out! Its so easy. And if you look close in the mirror, you can see the contact around the colored dont worry, you will be fine!!

  13. yeah she is just

    saying that to

    give you a good


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