
Okay i am in a difficult situation with my mom how do i get out of it? ?

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okay mom isnt talking to me because i didnt like any of the stores shoes and they didnt have my size and she isnt talking to me now what do i do?




  1. My sister fought with my mom over a similar situation as well. There is probably more to the story that you did not add. Mom's are always right (most of the time)

    Anyway, just start a conversation. You don't have to apologize (it helps), just say something to her. I know it sounds hard, but you must do it. You don't want it to carry for weeks, then months, then years and then your whole life without speaking to her over shoes. Believe me, she does not want to live like that either. I'm sure she will start talking to you if you initiate a conversation first.

    Good luck

  2. What the h**l is your mom's problem?? I guess I would just ignore her attempts to make me feel bad until she realizes what a heinous ***** she's being over shoes

  3. That happens. I mean, I go looking for pants and find nothing I like.

    See if you can try another stor you didn;t get to

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