
Okay i got an electric guitar! HOW THE HECK DO I ATTACH THE WHAMMY bar???

by  |  earlier

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i just received a fender strat squier and it came with a whammy bar but i have no idea how to attach it. i know theres a hole for it, and i screwed it in but it isn't able to move up and down. SOMEBODY help me i have no idea how to work it




  1. If you s***w it in too tight, it won't work. You need to loosen it a few turns.

  2. You have to s***w it in until it is in firmly (on a new guitar, it should also work out that it is positioned where you want it).

  3. You have to s***w it in until it is in firmly (on a new guitar, it should also work out that it is positioned where you want it). Then to use it, push it into towards the guitar or pull it away from it.

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