
Okay i had drugs last night need help

by  |  earlier

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the roof of my mouth is swollen and saw my throat is closed up my muscels are hurting my head is throbbing with pain my eyes have a distorted vision im very paranoid my teeth feel like they are about to fall out im exhausted and depressed im confused. It was round and white with a line through the middle with blue and red specks should i be worried?




  1. go to the er quick

  2. promise me you will never take drugs again

    oh and go get yourself checked out immedietely

    you know what they say "better safe then sorry"

  3. no. don't worry.

  4. Um i would have been at the hospital before i wrote this question. Go now.

  5. you stupid in the first place to even be doing drugs, and yes i think that this is bad go see a doctor


  7. Yes you should be worried!

    Go to the hospital right now!!!

  8. Sounds like a normal morning after. If symptoms get worse or new ones develop seek medical attention. Otherwise, rent a few movies, stay at home and eat ice blocks and drink tea with lemon (for your throat).  

  9. lol check out in the hospital

  10. Yes! go to the

  11. you did drugs and thought it was cool, now put up with the consequences !

    How stupid

  12. hope you have already seek medical attention and please next time don't send your questions here unless ttc and sober.

  13. Sounds like you are having allergic reactions?

    Go to pill identifier websites like

    I assume  you have learned your lesson.

  14. This is just so sad, and i am sorry but the guy who said its fun to get high  breaks my heart. We live in a sad society today. As for the hospital please just do not take the place of someone who is actually really sick through no fault of their own.

  15. Sounds like your coming down from ecstasy quite hard. It should pass but  have someone you can trust keep an eye on you!

  16. sounds like you took an extasy tablet and most  spoty ones are heroin based which means you could be coming down very hard feels like you are going to die, lasts maybe 24-48 hrs, or 2 you may pf taken too much and be overdossing but by the sounds of it your air ways are swollen and you should seek medical attention as it may stio you breathing, be careful taking any drugs you dont know where they come from who makes them or whats in them........and incase you dont know some ingredients may include- horse tranculiser, dishwashing liquid, laundry powder, glass, herion, speed, or many other drugs and other worse poisons items ....hope this turns you off it as i always say what goes up must come down and while its fun to get high coming down feels like ****

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