
Okay i have a question about uploading videos from a camera?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i have a video camera and its like a big one and it didnt come with a usb cable or anything but my other camera did but my videos are on the big camera.Is there any way i can transport my videos 2 the camera that has the usb cable??Please help




  1. OK, so those small VHS tapes are in analogue format, if we're talking about the same thing. Which means your camera should have three RCA outputs (yellow, white and red cables). The only way you might be able to transfer the video to the other camera is if the smaller camera has RCA inputs. If they don't, you might get away with some converters to the right format. If the camera has inputs, it's just a question of plugging it in, pressing play on one and record on the other.

    If, however, the camera does not have inputs or for any other reason does not work, you'll have to capture directly to your computer. To do this, you'll need a capture card, which is basically RCA to USB (relatively cheap, might be able to find it at an electronics store). Then, you need to open up a video editing program (Windows Movie Maker or iMovie, depending on your operating system - both are free), select the capture option and press play on your camera to transfer the video from the tape to your computer.

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