
Okay i have insurance at work, but I'm pregnant now with number 2, and its to expensive for me now?

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so i apply for husky for my daughter and my self, i got approve but my 4yr daughter didnt, can i just have insurance for my daughter thru my job? i would ask my hr but she isn't in and i need to know today.




  1. for medical insurance u have cover Exclusions

    • Expenses incurred for treatment of any illness/ disease/ condition, which is pre-existing at the time of commencement of insurance

    • Any expenses incurred for treatment of illness/ disease/ sickness contracted by the Insured Person during the first 30 days from the commencement of the policy

    • First Year exclusions – Hernia, Piles, Hydrocele, Congenital Internal disease/ defect, Sinusitis, Gall Stone / Renal Stone removal / treatment

    • Second Year Exclusions – Hysterectomy for Menorrhagia or Fibromyoma, Cataract, Knee Replacement Surgery (other than caused by an accident), Joint Replacement Surgery (other than caused by an accident), Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (other than caused by an accident), Varicose veins / ulcers

    • Naturopathy treatment

    • Expenses, which are purely diagnostic in nature with no positive existence of any disease

    • Expenses those are mainly cosmetic in nature

    • Expenses incurred for treatment of diseases/illness/accidental injuries by systems of medicines other than Allopathic

    • Expenses incurred for treatment of congenital disease/defects/anomalies

  2. Likely you can't have it for her, without having it for you.  But on a group policy, if your 4 year old is healthy, it's going to cost more (for the total cost) than a private policy would.

    Call a couple local insurance agents, and ask how much it would be for a health 4 year old, for an individual policy, with low/no deductible.  When I covered my own son, individually on a private policy, it was $140 a month (but went up to $210 before we switched to the family plan).  

  3. No-you can't have insurance for a dependant when you are not on the plan.

    Why is your daughter not covered? Husky has several plans that should include your daughter, even if it means that she will have to pay a premium or co-pay for services. You should check into that.

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