
Okay i have scrubbed with a brush using lacuer/paint thinner,easy off oven cleaner,self stirpping paint thinn-

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-er to remove the remaning paint from my rim does anyone have any ideas on what to do that will work at removing the paint from my rim or product that will really really do it?




  1. superb90 is right, but to make the aircraft stripper more effective, scratch the paint up first with some course sandpaper.

  2. Aircraft stripper. That's the product name. It's sold in gallons. Do not leave it on too long so as not to stain the rim. Use thick rubber gloves and safety glasses. Highly caustic but very effective. Rinse with water. Water neutralizes it. Use liberally. The thicker it's put on, the better it works. Pour some in a bowl and brush it on.

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