
Okay i just turned 13 yesterday and i want a baby?

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what do i do???

Am i crazy?

iv been having these really odd dreams about me being pregnant and now i actrally want a baby now what should i do and oh yeah if you have seen my other questions they say im a cutter and im stopping now though but yeah i dont know why but iv just been having dreams about me being pregnant ans stuff like that !

is this a sign?

am i a bad girl for wanting a baby i dont know why i just have been thinking about it alll nite and i cant sleep im afraid if i tell a friend that they will think that im ether crazy or that im having s*x which im not i mean i wanna save my self for marriage but at the same time i want a baby now

yes iv been around babys and kids all my life practally but still am i seriously crazy?>

Does this make me a s**t or what???? HELP ME!! im desperate!




  1. You are not a s**t or crazy!

    You don't need a baby now though.

    Babysit, it might help your maternal feelings and show you a little about taking care of a child.

    p.s.: s*x at your age is NOT illegal but probably not a good idea unless you're sure you're ready and you're safe. I don't preach abstinence because I think it's really patronizing.

  2. Alot of the people I know want kids too and they are 15-16. Just because you have a dream of you being pregnant doesn't mean that you should have a kid. I've been around babies and young children for almost all of my life too and sometimes I have thought about wanting a kid but then I think about it and then I realize that once I would have one that I couldn't do all of the stuff a normal teenager gets to do. Just because your having dreams about being pregnant doesn't make you a s**t.

  3. ur too young

  4. It's just your hormones talking. I would wait for now... Just because you feel this way now, doesn't mean you will in a few months. Maybe start babysitting. It's a good way to earn some extra cash while taking care of children.

  5. Your have just turned 13!! I'm 24! I have 4 kids and honestly, i could NOT have done it at your age! At your age i wouldnt have been able to have had s*x... Its a very adult/mature thing and should only be done with someone you love/are married too. Your not crazy your not a s**t,alot of girls go through these type of dreams its VERY normal.. Just ignore the want and it will go away!! Dont let people like Jamie Lynn Spears make teen pregnancy look fun because its NOT!! Believe me! Stay strong and please dont do anything you have your WHOLE life ahead of you too have kids!

  6. No this doesn't make you a s**t. You are way too young to be thinking about having a child.

  7. Jeesh.....what's the matter with teens today?!?!?  Try to totally forget about it, concentrate on school and friends.  Graduate, work, see the world, etc.  Why do you want to be tied down so young, and who would support it???  If I were your parent(s) and you "sprung" being pregnant on me, you'd be getting an abortion or the baby would be up for adoption.......

  8. Get a pet.

    You say your a cutter so obviously you seek attention.

    I advice you get a pet, a boyfriend, or a hobby at school or something to occupy your time because you have to much time on your hands to think about things that are not important and insignificant.

  9. Hi...

    It's not a good idea for any 13 year old to have a baby.. it's not healthy for you, in the first place.  Your body still needs time to develop and grow.

    Secondly, where on earth are you going to get the money, and medical insurance to take care of this child?  You'd have to buy a crib, dresser, and all sorts of accessories, including sheets, clothing, toys, bottles, pacifiers.... Formula alone can cost $10 a day.   Diapers are expensive, and every time you walk into the pediatrician's office it's probably $100 or more.  Babies need a lot of shots and check ups the first year or two, and they often get viruses and colds.

    You don't drive, and i'm assuming you don't own a car, so you can't take the baby to his or her appointments.

    Emotionally, you're unprepared for parenthood, as are all 13 year olds..... i can't see a 13 year old staying home all day every day with a baby and not being able to go out and do things with friends... Most boys don't want a girlfriend who has a baby.

    You're not crazy, but you certainly are not thinking about this...... and it is NOT abnormal to have a maternal instinct and think about having a baby... it's just the wrong time.

    It might be wise to finish school, figure out what you'd like to do with your life after that, then PLAN to have a baby when you can afford to take care of it properly, and when you are emotionally set to do so.

    If you are stil cutting, that is the issue you really need to address.. try seeing you doctor.

  10. ffs- you're a child.

    Having s*x at your age is against the law. Do you have idea why? Think about it: you're not mature enough, you can't support a baby and you will look back and regret it.

    Having dreams about being pregnant are common. It's probably because something else is bothering you. look up |"dream definition" on a search engine. You'll find websites that can tell you what it means. Alternatively buy a dream book.

    For Godsake don't get knocked up. Being around babies is nothing to the real thing.

  11. it`s only nature for you to have those dreams. but don`t make it reality yet because you are not fully rippen yet. you have long journey ahead of you and don`t make a silly mistake right now because you want a baby. just think before you act a pond such silly dreams. don`t worry you are not slute. you just need to enjoy life while you are young.

  12. Well yes the first thing someone sees this they are like 13 and wants a baby is she nuts? But no you arent. You need to get a puppy or something.Believe me a baby isnt a toy is a life a responsibility and lets just be truthful a 13 year old cant drive even yet. Just relax you are a normal 13 girl but dont rush things you.You will be so glad you waited

  13. it is natural for some young women to think this when starting into their teen years because that how it is and was but in the world we live in today you are not mature enough to handle this human.  These are rules I made up and tell others when they consider this.  

    1.) Can you financially support this human being you will be bringing into this world?  Ex. Buy food, shelter, and medicinal supplies.  

    2.)  Can you physically support this human being you are bringing into this world?  Ex.  Devote 24/7 to this soul.  

    3.)  Can you morally support this human being you are bringing into this world?  Ex.  Give this human being the role model in a parent that they deserve.

    But to answer your question on whether or not your a bad person for thinking this, No your just following instinct but you need to put common sense ahead of instinct.

  14. What do you do?  You wait, of course!  At the very, very least, you need to earn your high school diploma so you can support a child.  Also, be in a very stable and committed relationship.

  15. If you got caught up in the hype of cutting you probably also got snatched by the vanity of teenage pregnancy.

    You have important things to worry about. Like, I don't know, school! So you can actually get a job and support a baby when you have one. Mommy and Daddy can't just give you everything.

  16. Oh my gosh!

    You're way too young. Seriously being a 13 year old mum? Have you thought about how hard that would be? You're still a child and you still need to have people look after you let alone you having to look after a child! seriously...wait!

    it'll be worth the wait.

    If you really want to be around a child then get a job as a baby sitter.. by doing this, you'll also be earning some extra cash.

    And would you really want to have a child who doesn't have their daddy around? wait until your older and in a committed relationship. It's probably just hormones talking anyway so don't do anything just yet. (:

  17. Were you on Dr.Phil??

  18. ur not crazy, or a s**t. that's ur maternal instinct...

    i desperately want a baby, too....but i want it so much and already love the un-conceived baby so much, that i'm willing to wait until i'm married and have a stable home to bring it into.

    ur a girl. trust me. i barely know any girls who don't coo at the sight of a cute little baby. :D.

    just don't worry. you're not crazy. it happens to the best of us.

  19. Many girls dream about babies, sexuality, all of these things are normal.  Reality is, you are way to young for a baby and would be doing a very bad thing for that child.  You have lots of really cool things to do and see in your life before you are tied down by children, and believe me, that is exactly what happens.  All freedom is out the door.  You have to make an appointment to go your teenage years, your boyfriends, hanging out with friends, college if that is what you want, your first place, coming of age.  Find someone to babysit for if you need a "baby fix"

  20. What you need to do is talk to your parents because you sound like you have emotional problems when kids around your age want baby's at your age just want attention really talk to your parents about what every is one your mind be honest with them that's what their here for and if you cant talk to them find someone close to you a friend, grand parent, aunt, someone, its not good to hold things bottled up in side. just do the right thing for your self and talk to someone listen to what they have to say.Please don't do something you will regret. well good luck.

  21. you have maternal feeling which makes you want a child but i would suggest getting a pet i know that pets aren't the same but you do feel like a mother to your pets after a while and you aren't crazy sometimes hormones make you ccrave children or other things that you know you don't want right now i think that you should think about babysitting or try to plan for your future and think about what it would be like having a baby and getting married and all of those things that may help you and just enjoy the time you have now and know eventually you will have that baby it would be really cool if youwrote a letter to your future child and then gave it to them when they turn 13 and youl be okay as long as you don't do anything to crazy!;)

  22. It's your normal maternal instincts setting in.

    This is probably just a stage and will go away eventually. You have acknowledged (by saying you want to save yourself for marriage) that it's not exactly the smartest thing to have a baby at your age.

    You also might be more prone to wanting a baby if you're depressed (the cutting), because you just want someone to unconditionally love you.

    Well, we'll see how much unconditional love you're getting when you're pregnant, or up feeding a screaming baby at 3 am.

  23. If you are only dreaming and having a desire for a baby, then that doesn't make you a s**t.

    Oftentimes we, young women, think about the homes we will make and even dream of our babies.

    Please don't allow your desire for this to overwhelm you.  Motherhood is a greater responsibility than any 13 y/o is truly ready to undertake.

    Something young women used to do, is build up a "hope-chest."  Filling it with items they would use when they had their own household.  Perhaps you could put energy toward a goal of this sort.

  24. you're not bad for wanting a baby, it's just way too early. If you have a baby so early, you'll ruin your life. Try getting involved with babysitting little kids, that should help. Also, try getting a pet. Something small like a hampster, or if your parents allow it, a dog or a cat. You should be able to wait until you're at least 18 to have a baby.

  25. I Wouldn't Say Your Crazy. I Just Dont Think Its Such A Good Idea. Maybe You Want To Feel Loved d?

  26. For a woman to dream that she is pregnant could be her subconscious telling her that she is actually pregnant. If you know you are pregnant and you have this dream, it represents your concerns about possible complications with the birth of your child. This dream is also very common in people who are worried or scared about possibly being/getting pregnant.

    If you're not worried about pregnancy, a dream of being pregnant symbolizes an aspect of your personality or personal life that is growing and developing, but is not yet ready to be talked about or acted on. It represents the birth of a new idea, direction or goal.

    To dream that you have a false pregnancy (you think you are pregnant but find out there is no baby), there is some aspect of yourself or your personal life that is changing, but you are not ready to talk about it to anyone yet. You may also be having trouble making a new personal goal or project happen.

    If you dream that a friend is pregnant, it represents your feelings that she is growing and changing in some important way. You might be worried that she is growing away from you, or growing "beyond" you.

    If you dream of your boyfriend or husband being pregnant, you suspect that he is keeping secrets from you that could have a major impact on your relationship

    i don't think ur crazy but just don't think you need to have a baby just wait it will be worth it

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