that actually are knowledgeable on the subject; my brother's friend got so drunk he went to the hospital to get his stomach pumped, and some guy i dont really know died from driving drunk.....alright now this is all the information i need to know about weed vs alcohol: i hear about deaths/ harmful situations from alcohol all the time, i've never heard of someone dying from weed (cuz its impossible, unless its laced)............but some ppl are so ignorant theyll ignore the fact that alcohol kills every day, nonetheless taste like c**p, and even tho they've never heard of one death from smoking weed, theyll still say that alcohol is better and weed is horrific.....i need to convince my brother away from his ignorance, and i need as much info on the benefits and truth about weed, and back it up plz...i know ima get some ignorant folk replyin, and to yall its not a substance one can OD on like u've been lied to, u just pass out after too much