
Okay i need help.please answer.?

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okay so this might sound extreme.

but lately ive been throwing up food. like once or twice every other day.

please dont lecture me please but just tell me what wrong with me.

ive been getting teeth pains,and my body hurts like sore. and i keep having these headaches.

but i also got a cold so i dont if its because of the puking or the cold.

what meds should i take.or what should i do.

and the puking just started like 2 weeks ago.

help? :(




  1. You do not need to go to the ER. just stop it. Have self control! It's not that hard. There's a lot of health problems that result from purging your food.  

  2. Methinks you aught to go and mosey on downtown to the doctor's office.

  3. If you've been puking twice a day for two weeks then you need to go to the ER first thing tomorrow morning because it's not good to let your body get dehydrated!  With all your other symptoms there's something wrong with you other than the usual flu.  Good luck!!

  4. your best bet is see a doctor first thing in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Pregnant?......

  6. Well I'm not sure I can be of much help...but I did have a similar experience a few months ago. Every morning I would throw up 1-3 times and I couldn't eat all day because I would just feel so sick. But at dinner I would force myself to eat...but then I would just throw it up in the morning. I went to the doctor and they ran tests on me for 5 hours, took lot of blood, and accused me of being pregnant (But I swear on my life I wasnt) but they couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. Finally after about 3 weeks of h** stopped.

    I'd see a doctor ASAP...maybe they can be more helpful for you then they were for me.  

  7. Get a doctors appointment asap, sounds like flu or maybe food poisoning but two weeks is a long time to be throwing up for!

    Get well soon!

  8. You better go and see a Dr. then

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