
Okay im bored of having all guy friends...?Should I get more friends dat are girls?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im a girly girl but i have mostly guy friends cuz all da girls at my school go to night clubs, get high, and are major s***s...and we are ONLY 15....

Should i become friends with them and just not hang out with them wen they do dat

cuz im sick of havin guy friends cuz of the things they talk about, and yea stuff like dat...




  1. Surely there's girls at your school not like that. I think having female friends is beneficial for you as well. You need a balance.

  2. Maybe you can find some girl friends who aren't like that (get high, go to night clubs etc.)

    Or you could find some outside of school.

    Are you on a sports team? You could make some friends there...

    :) Hope I helped!

  3. NO! dont hang out with the wrong crowd. they will peer presure you and eventually you ll be JUST like them, hang oiut with the guys, i bet there is at least one girl in your school who isnt like that. try hanging out with her.

  4. NO WAY!

  5. why dont you meet your guy friends girlfriends(:

    tahts what i did

  6. uhhhh yeeeeeah big time!!

  7. dont hang out with girls who are like that just bc they are girls, try to find other girls who are good people and if not just stick with guys

  8. Is there any other girls at your school that arn't s***s?  Cause I know what you mean.  I usually have more friends that are girls.  So it gets kinda annoying when they get in a conversation about a guy.  You could become friends with the other girls and not go to clubs with them, and who knows they might be different from what you might think.  

  9. lol yep i kno wht guyz do lol

    we insult all guyz around talk nasty stuff and they brag upon how much a guy can score by 'screwin chicks' and etc etc

    for gals hangin out with guyz , guyz behave gently

    but if there is only 1 gal.. guyz dun give a dam

    but in ur situation its still WAYYY better to hang with guyz thn being around those whores..dam there r  only 15.. i think theyll grow into p**n stars or sumshit :S

    pleez the guy comany is atleast waay better thn hanging with whores .. if u hang with those S****y gals ppl wud think way bad of u as well .. find the nice galfriends if u can !!

    really appriciated tht u dun hav the wish to hang with those S****y types!!  

  10. find some friends that dont do that

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