
Okay im doing my health and social care homework and im really stuck....?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, there's no one in the house i can ask so i fort i wud ask yahoo,

basically i got loads of targets for my client and im on target 9 and theres 15 targets<(not bad!) basically i have to say why it is benefitical for my client to do these targets , my next ones is find time to rest and take up a hobby. eat low fat cheese<(i kinda kno what im gunna put for that one.) change from white bread to wholemeal bread, spend time w/ ure family, eat one decent dinneer each week.

you dont have to help me with all off them, but just the 1st two i put wud be grand! im really stuck and im not gunna be able to do it tomoraa as ive got a hospital appt. :/ and we are going away on saturday so if anyone could pleaseeee help me that wud be great thanks xo

the reason why there it is in this catorgie is bcus , no other catorgie wud b right for it looool.




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