
Okay im in michigan and im 18 i was wondering if its legal for me to have s*x with a 14 or 15 year old?

by  |  earlier

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actually just a 15 cause its only a 3 year difference




  1. NO! Ugh, why would you even consider this?  It's illegal and disgusting! She's a baby for goodness sake!

  2. No.

  3. no  

  4. I think it's funny how many people say this is disgusting or ew!!

    He didn't say anything but if it was illegal or not.  

  5. At one time years ago it was. But now it isn't. It's best to obey the law.

  6. Your probably a dude right!?  Your disgusting...hopefully no one allows their daughter around you.

  7. i live in michigan. the age of consent is 16. an 18 year old cannot sleep with someone under 16. now if both are under 16...I'm not sure about that. but if you are considering...just wait until they are of legal age. unless you want to get busted for some type of rape...and end up on a s*x offenders list till you die.

  8. No!!!!!!! It's disgusting and stupid.

  9. Sure its ok as long as you enjoy s*x with 30 year old black cell mates.

  10. it ILLEGAL duhh also why would you want to ? thats kinda wierd.

  11. uhm duh.

    it's considered statutory rape

    since the consent age in

    michigan is 16.

  12. It's illegal. Why are you asking this?

  13. Nope, you can only have s*x with someone sixteen or older.

  14. NO!  The legal age of consent is 16 so if it was a 16 year old only her parents could press charges, but if you're banging a 15 year old you'll land yourself in some trouble.

  15. No.  The legal age of consent in Michigan is 16 for both males and females, so if you have s*x with a 14 or 15 year old, you are a candidate for statutory rape.

  16. are you insane?

  17. no, that is called stacitory rape!!!! you are an adult and that person is only a kid

  18. 6in michigan that's considered statutory rape if they are under 16

  19. It's illegal moron. You do and you could get your butt in a lot of trouble. What in god's name do you want with a child? 3 year differenc eor not you are an adult and they are still a child the cant even leaggly have s*x themselves.

  20. EW not only are you stupid (for not knowing the obvious answer to your question) you're also a perv. Find someone your own age! Creeper!

  21. ewwwwwwwwwwwww

  22. No, you sicko.

  23. It's illegal darlin..

    Why do you wanna waste your time with 15 year olds?

  24. ur legally an adult

    and she's legally a child

    do you think an adult can have s*x with a child legally?!!!?

    i mean wtf man

  25. I won't judge you, because I don't understand the circumstances - but I'm pretty sure its illegal. Wait until their older if you care about them so much.

  26. no its not legal. you should know that.

    i know it and im only 14.

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