
Okay is it me or is there something wrong with being a Republican and Wiccan?

by Guest56590  |  earlier

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this chick went off saying she's Wiccan and a republican. Surely she knew that's considered Satanism in the religious right's eyes right?




  1. There is nothing wrong with that.  But consider the Wiccan Rede for a moment:  "Harm none" (short version).

    Both Republican and Democrat parties are basically socialist.  Therefore, they both do great harm.  I leave it to you to do the research to see why.  (Hint: control over you by someone else.)

    So, can a Wiccan mind the Rede and also be an adherent to the Democrat/Republican/Socialist view?  It is truly a mystery.

    The longer version of the Wiccan Rede is "An it harm none, do as thou wilst".  Another way of saying the same basic thing is "Your life, your way".  Sound familiar?  It should.  Lookup Libertarian Party.  

  2. There are so many things wrong with being a Republican that the religion fades into insignificance.

  3. She has a right to be Republican and Wiccan, just like others have the right to be Democrat and Christian. What about the Libertarians? I disagree with her religious views, and I tend to vote conservative and not along Party lines.

  4. That's one of the best things about this Country. You can hold and espouse any political views and personal beliefs regardless of what anyone else thinks. Let's hope it's kept that way.

  5. You don't have to be a member of the religious right to be fiscally conservative.  My Dad is a HUGE annoying republican, and also a Unitarian.

  6. Political views often are, and should be, independent of religious beliefs.  

  7. Do some research and you will find that the "Christian" values became a strategy for the GOP back in the 80's. Sadly, some think that only Christians vote GOP, and for no other party. That is simply politics played out to make people believe this. Look up, Log Cabin Republicans. I'm sure you will be educated a bit more on the range of individuals who support the GOP.

  8. I don't think that in order to be Republican you have to be Christian. It's not like the KKK.

  9. Senior - Oh snap!

    Seems kinda weird but I don't think religious values are Republican party doctrine...

  10. republican is not a religious organization but a political one.

    anybody can be any religion they want and still be a republican

  11. Merry Meet Fashion Passion,

    I personally don’t think that Religion and Politics should be placed in the same bed together. But since you asked the question, I feel that being Wiccan has nothing to do with being a Republican and vice versa and that if a person can make it work for them then so be it

    Blessed Be


  12. There's nothing "wrong" with it, per se, but it seems a little self-defeating to me.

    But it's a funny old world, after all.

  13. both end with can, and canned food is bad.

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