
Okay is this a coincidence or paranormal?

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My Mother and Sister were at a festival today looking at a quilt that was for sale. They noticed one of the names embroidered on the quilt was "Stinky" When I was a little girl one of my cousins nicknames was Stinky. They remarked about the fact that someone else has such a funny nickname and that was that. Later on that day after I had met up with them to go shopping at the mall , we recieved a call from my cousin Monica that her brother was found dead in his bed this morning. Who of course is my cousin David, or "Stinky" as we called him growing up. (Not because he stunk!) I feel like that was Davids way of saying goodbye to my Mom and Sister. What do you think?




  1. I think it was his way of saying goodbye.  Watch for other signs ... smells, etc.  I am really sorry for your loss.  You might find comfort and will definately find more information on the message boards at

    My best wishes to you.

  2. The dead communicate in strange ways sometimes. We have to be "open" to their methods and David may very well have directed your attention in the direction of that quilt booth and made sure that particular quilt caught your eyes.

    Yes, I think it could very well be his "good-bye."

  3. Hello, from past experience i would say he was giving you a sign. There are no coincidences. Taylor x*x

  4. This fact would be classified under synchronization (read Jung's works).

  5. wow, could be hugs to you im sorry for your loss. tell yoru family i am so sorry also , much love

  6. one thing ive learnt that there are no such things as coincidences...i agree with the first 2 answers, it was his way of saying goodbye....strange little things happen to catch our attentions, as if to give us a sign...i spoke to a girl about a month ago and her dad had just died...he always ate toast, and she found it to be strange when he passed away she could smell toast out in the middle of no where, and i told her it was his way of saying goodbye, and that she, d proberly smell toast again, and to think of her father when she did...i could smell my friend on the day of his funeral, i could smell him while i was at home preparing to go to his funeral....youll proberly catch a little sign here and there that hes ok....when people around us pass away they communicate the only way they know, as they cannt talk to us anymore so they find other ways of letting us know.....

  7. Interesting, but there is no reason to believe it is anything other than coincidence. Given the number of people any one person knows, and the number of names that a person may run across in any one given day, the coincidence isn't all that striking. Sure, "stinky" isn't all that common of a name, but I don't see anything compelling about this coincidence.

  8. I run accross this sort of thing alot where a person  who has lost someone close to them . I have been told of people waking up and smelling perfume or colongue of their loved one or feeling their presence or seeing them.having their tv change in front of them to the favorite channel of the loved one.I had a personal experience right after my mothers death.My neice was just a baby and was in her crib my sister had a baby miniter in the room and my neice started to cry .My  sister and I both heard a voice go shhh shhh it's alright honey go to sleep we thought it might be our dad so we walked to the bedroom where my neice was sleeping we walk by our fathers room and found him sound asleep when we entered the room my neice was in the room had the warmest feeling and there was a strong smell of my mothers perfume.could it be coincidence? Sure it could be.It could be a persons need to know that a loved one is going to be fine.It could also be aloved ones way of letting they're family know there is something more beyond our lives here on earth and they're way of saying goodbye.Either way it helps us and comforts us in our grief. You and your family have my deepest condolences over your loss.take comfort in what happened over the quilt and let your heart answer your question whether it is coincidence or paranormal. You already know the answer! take care my friend

  9. I think either way it makes me very sad...he's one person, along with Barb that I looked forward to meeting one day,  and now I won't get to...I've only spoken with him on the phone, but he struck me as a pretty cool guy.

    I think even if it wasn't David who drew their attention to the blanket..."someone" did to pull him from the back of their minds to the front, maybe as a preparation for the news...who knows, but I don't think it was purely coincidental at all.

  10. There is no hard evidence proving it one way or the other.  But it is an interesting story none the less.  I am so sorry for your loss, chin up there my friend!

  11. yes.  i don't believe in coincidences.  this was your cousin's way of getting your attention.  what are the odds?  think about it.

  12. I think it was a coincidence.  Something similar has happened to me several times, but I know enough not to read into these things too much.  I dismiss so many little things everyday that don't have any meaning that one that does is bound to happen.

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