
Okay kids, for those of you beginning and returning to high school, what are your biggest concerns?

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I've read a few questions concerning 'what should I bring first day' and 'how's this outfit,' but let's dig a little deeper. Anyone have any fears or real concerns? I know you're out there! Spill it all...

In my case I was just excited about going, then I found out I had no study skills because I had coasted through all the other grades. That's one thing I want to make sure happens to no one. If you find you can't do something, ask how to study!




  1. My biggest concern is what my schedule will be. I just worry that I won't have classes or lunch with my closest friends. Plus, of course, the load of work I'll need to do this year. I'll be a junior & everyone says it's the hardest year. I go to an high school in NY so I'll have to take a regents for Lit, Italian, AP US & Trig/Pre-Calc. Not to mention the ACTs & the SATs. Not to mention these are the grades that colleges look at, so that will add to my worry & stress.

    P.S. Good question. Usually people freak about what should they wear. No one usually brings up the actual important stuff =)

  2. Not to get maimed walking to school or in it. I'm serious.

  3. I'm starting high school in September as a freshman. I'm actually really excited about going, but I'm afraid that on the first day of classes, when I'm looking for my math class or something, I'll get the wrong classroom and embarrass myself lol.

  4. homework

  5. Getting picked on and seeing others getting picked on. I defend the ones who don't stick up for themselevs and then People start rumors about me because they don't like me standing up for people. This one time a prep went up to one of the silent kids and said OMFG you shop at Walmart your a f*g! I couldn't beileve that! what a Prick! and the kid started to cry so i defend him, and now 80% of the shcool thinks I am g*y, although i date girls and am not g*y. I'm concerned about the bullying, i went through some heavy sht last year with depression and sucsidal thoughts, but im better now, just hope things go okay in 3 weeks.

  6. Hmm...there are tons of fears for me.

    - I'm afraid of being teased throughout highschool

    - i'm afraid my grades could easily slip.

    - I'm afraid I'll lose my friends.

    - I'm afraid to get sucked up in all the social drama.

    - I'm afraid I won't ever get a boyfriend.

    I think that pretty much covers it.

  7. my concern is finding a good relationship this year.

  8. not knowing anyone in the school and like getting lost in the schoool no joke my high school is huge and i think i signed up for classes that are too hard and we cant switch out so im afaird i wont pass and im afraid i wont be able to get all my credits by senior year

    there you go..i spilled

  9. Well iam kinda scared cause  dont know how Jr. High is ganna be, is it hard or easy? Plus iam not rally that"bright" either so0o thats wat concerns me the most.

  10. hahaaah unno bout rlly fears haha except grade 9 beating or sumdin like that .. but that dont concern me because they only get people who think there all that and the gangster wannabees, but for regards of studying i dont care,

  11. well the thing i am most worried about is not getting lunch with my friends. at my school lunch is seperated into 4 different lunches (ABCD) and I only hang out with like 10 out of the 2500 people at my school. I am a junior this year and i havent had to sit by myself yet but i still worry about it!!

    and i was looking through all these answers and i never realized so many people had the same fear as me.

  12. Hoping that no annoying people bother me at all , just wishing it all goes well :]

  13. not knowing anyone in my classes. and no one having my lunch.

  14. Well one is not having any friends in my lunch period. =/

    another is finding a good boyfriend. i've had a few crappy ones, and i'm hoping to find a good quality one. =)

  15. I'm going to do field hockey and I've never done a school sport before so I'm pretty nervous about that.  

  16. I'm pretty excited to get back to high school as a junior. My biggest concern is being overloaded with school work, seeing how I have decided to take more challenging classes this year (5 AP). There are no classes on the first day of school this year (we're having an Olympic Games themed assembly where the 4 classes compete against each other). Good luck!

  17. I'm really scared/anxious for this year. Grade eleven! Last year before cegep. I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I have to apply by the spring. I might just go live in another province with a friend and do grade 12, but I'd leave all my friends that I've known forever! Also, I'm off by FOUR percent, and won't be able to get into advanced chem/phys (argh!!) which I need to get into the science cegep program I'm interested in. Let this be a lesson: If you don't think you'll do well in a subject, get a tutor, don't just sit there and laugh about it.

    But, I'm a grad :) And I have a really cool Europe trip to look forward to.  

  18. Okay,

    I talked to my neice today and she starts middle school tommorow (its part of the high school) and her biggest concern is not being able to unlock her locker. But, she said her biggest worry is that she only has 3 minutes to get from class to class and she's afraid that she may get a tardy. She said you can only get 4  each period.

    Its really cute.. It brought back memories....

  19. sounds dumb but my only and biggest concern is that i wont find my friends at lunch and would have to sit by myself..

    it's always been a fear of mine.

  20. I'm actually pretty nervous. I haven't seen a lot of my friends over the summer, so I'm scared that maybe I won't be accepted into my usual group. And then, I'm still debating whether or not I should join a certain club at my school...I worry for nothing but ugh. High school sucks sometimes!

  21. im a nerd and i dont have friends besides my transformer bots. im mostly concerned about being forcefully shoved into a locker. and about being tripped by those hairy apes. i really really dont want to get gang raped

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