
Okay libs--When Obama says he will end the war in IRAQ?

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and bring our troops home.

Who do you think wins the war----not the USA, not the IRAQ people.

Not the allies of the US in the area. Not the allies that went into IRAQ with the USA.--So who does that leave?




  1. America invaded a sovereign country that had nothing to do with anything. We invaded a country based on the lies of bush who told the American people that Hussien was responsible for 9/11, had weapons of mass destruction and was manufacturing Nuclear weapons.

    Everyone in the world but stupid Americans knew this was not true. The UN rejected a major military response, we had NO coalition of the willing and the world turned against us.

    We ended up killing over 200,000 civilians + a good amount of undocumented deaths. 4,000 + of our troops died for a LIE and 5x that amount were maimed or damaged.

    Our economy has suffered because we are fighting a war on two fronts. We forgot we are suppose to be hunting terrorists, not creating overseas colonies. If we were fighting terrorists we would be in Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia...not Iraq.

    Someone has already won. The corporate machine Halliburton, the Oil companies and other underhanded contractors that charge our military 150.00 for a paper plate or build a Iraqi school that they later burn, only to build it again for 2x the cost at taxpayers expense.

    You tell me who won.

  2. There as yet has been no definition of "winning."  It keeps changing from month to month, year to year.  

    If you look at it as an occupation rather than a war (which, of course, it is), then there are no winners or losers--although we've really "won" when none of our soldiers are dying there.

  3. you certainly forgot not Saddam Husein remember him? he had all the wmd but since you believe in the death penalty more than torture then now we will never know cause you killed him. and what sign will we have when we win? how about `omission accomplished`?

  4. Obama will hand over the USA and all its allies and all the innocent people he can.

    He should move to Iraq since he is one of them.

    Obama will ruin the world.

  5. The winners are the young men that don't have to go over and fight.

  6. If we stay there and finish the job.  What does 'winning' look like?  What will the 'finished job' look like?  An American flag flying in Bagdad permanently?  Is that where we're headed, an American Empire across the globe?  Empires have worked so well in the past.

    *And what if Iraq decides that they want an Islamic Theocracy instead of democracy for their country?  Do we allow that?

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