
Okay.look at my diet plan and I am not into safe healthy answers!?

by  |  earlier

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First thing first i am morbidly obese[245] so rapid weight loss is needed. I have to los 60 pounds in 4 months so i can get a surgury.

I am going to only eat lettuce and drink tea and water...will that help?do you have another rapid wieght loss plan?




  1. i tink that would help, you might want to try yogurt too.

  2. This will probably work since lettuce is mostly water.  But this sounds more like fasting than dieting.  You need protein so why don't you add fish to your diet.  It's low in calories and has lots of protein and omega 3.  Make sure you drink green tea as this is known for helping your diet. Another thing I want to point out is, when you lose a large amount of weight in a relatively short period of time, you will have more loose skin. It'll take you longer to "shrink" the skin than to lose the weight.  But if you lose the weight slowly and consistently, like maybe 2-3 pounds a week, the skin will shrink naturally.  Keeping a journal of your weekly weight loss helps.  It motivates you more.  You can do it.  Keep telling yourself this.

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