
Okay me and my fiance wants a kid and to be married but theres a catch.

by  |  earlier

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heres the catch she might be pregnat and my mom wont pay for the wedding in to years what should i do we are confused on what to do please help




  1. Go to the JP. Save the money for the baby. Yall will need it.

  2. Learn how to spell and learn some grammar that will be a start.

    First is there any reason why you are waiting two years to get married?  Why not just get married in the next few months.  

    You could always pay for the wedding yourself.  You may have to scale it down a bit, but it is possible to do a wedding on a very small budget.

  3. There's only ONE thing necessary to get married.  Provided you meet the age requirements, get a marriage license, and pay the fee to get married at the courthouse.  Look, problem solved!  Go me.  

    Seriously, though, if you are planning on marrying her anyway, get it done right, marry the girl, and have your baby born in a proper family.  Weddings are overrated and overpriced anyway.

  4. Pay for your own wedding. And take some English classes while you are at it.  

  5. you can go to the court house and get married for less than 20$. but marriage is a huge thing! trust me  ive been married for almost a year.  

  6. Ah i wouldn't worry about it. The brides parents are always suppose to pay for the wedding.

    Go buy a cheap pregnancy test.

    If she feels comfortable being pregnant getting married.

    Then jump on it.

  7. if your going to get married you must have some money !!..

    Then take some of these money and pay for a simple wedding..

    but there is a catch..

    the catch is that your on Yahoo.. and not looking for a job or working Over Time.. to get enough money for your wedding..

    and there is no problem if your not sure.. its like im saying "I need to do some homework but im not sure if I have a pencell and this is a catch that will stop me from doing my homework"

    Good Luck

    "Sorry if I was so harsh but I gotta say what I gotta say.. I needed to help you"

  8. if youre confused....isnt that a clue that you cant support yourself or a family?   be the man.  do what a man would do, dont rely on your mom at this point for a wedding.  you need more than that.  good luck

  9. There is no "catch" until you know for sure if she's even pregnant. I don't really understand your question, but get off the internet and go buy a home pregnancy test or have her go to the doctor already. There's no use worrying about anything until you know for sure.  

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