
Okay people I need some serious answers to this question. Why are white guys afraid of dating black girls?

by  |  earlier

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Why are white guys embrassed to be seen with a black girl, i mean i know they're not racist but why date her if you can't show her off. Honestly!




  1. There could be a number of reasons for not 'showing her off'.

    1. He is embarrassed.

    2. He has another girlfriend or steady.

    3. He is not really interested in the girl.

    4. He is afraid of social stigma.

  2. If someone actually told you this (which I doubt), that would have been the perfect opportunity to ask this question.  Or are you just making assumptions?

  3. Because a white guy who dates a black girl means that he can't get a real woman, so he has to date black women because they are the only women he can get.

  4. he's probaly worried about how other people will react

  5. The first question I'd have is, why would they be interested in me to begin with.

  6. This is not necessarily True.

  7. I don't think it's about color. If the guy is embarrassed to be with someone then that someone is probably doing something to make him feel uncomfortable. Like being too loud or acting stupid, talking on the cell at the movies, something like that.

  8. Since when did this happen?

  9. WTF are you talking about??

    White guys that date black girls are not "embrassed"


  10. Wow that is terrible. I never thought of that before and if a guy is embarrassed to be seen with her because of her skin colour, she should dump his *** as she deserves so much better. I wish people would see others as we all live, eat, breath and die. What the h**l does colour have to do with anything. Sad people out there.

    okthen79 your an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. not all white guys are afraid. i have held my girl's hand in public before. i kissed her in the parking lot too.  

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