
Okay question abou Vegans or Vegitarians..?

by Guest33458  |  earlier

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Okay so is it true that if you go Vegitarian or Vegan it can help ypu lose weight>? Thx!!!!




  1. Depends on what type of diet your on already.

    Before I went vegetarian, I only had meat if it were fryred until crispy and fast food. So when I went vegetarian I lost 10 pounds.

    If you decide to go vegetarian or vegan, be smart, listen to your body.

    And you really have to eat veggies instead of chips, to stay in shape.

  2. No.  While cutting meat, especially red meat, will automatically cut sources of fat, you can get fat from anything.  You can shun all the meat, meat by-products, and dairy you want, but if you fry all of your vegetables, tofu, and meat substitutes, you are still going to be unhealthy.  Not to mention things like doughnuts, cookies, chips, french fries...  There is a company that makes giant cookies that are vegan.  They are some of the best things I have ever eaten, but if you read the label, one cookie can be around 400 calories give or take depending on the type of cookie!

  3. Not if you eat a lot of junk food...soda pop, potato chips, ice cream, etc.  

  4. yes, if you are a healthy one.

    you have to make sure you get enough protein and all of that still.

    if you don't eat good, then it will not turn out good.


    you have tom make sure to get fake-meat or something like that.

    i can give you names.

    but make sure you eat a lot of beans, eggs, peanut butter and stuff also.

    i have been one for 15 years (:

    i love it!

  5. not really. you can still be an obese vegetarian. remember twinkies and donuts and cake don't have slabs of meat in them.

  6. It depends i guess. As long as your not eating allot of junk food like Oreos. (They are Vegan) But losing weight should not be your only reason for going Vegan/Vegetarian. If you want to lose a little weight try exercising. =)

  7. Usually yes, since you are going to be making conscious choices about what you eat as opposed to just eating whatever the man tells you to eat, like Big Macs and fries etc.

    But you can be a vegetarian and overeat chocolate, ice cream, cheese etc.

    However, most people who eat a vegetarian diet do not overindulge simply because their bodies feel satisfied with the highly nutritious foods they eat and therefor the body stops craving anti-nutritious (fatty and sweet) snacks etc. This is partly due to the higher fibre content of most vegan and vegetarian diets.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Probably. Just be carful.

  9. Going Vegetarian isn't about losing weight... its about animal rights !

  10. Oreos, chips, soda, a lot of candy and fries are vegan, so no, not always. When it comes to losing weight, you still have to have the commitment and motivation. Going vegan won't make you frop 20 pounds unless you burn off more calories than you take in.  

  11. Yes, vegetarian and vegan diets can aid in weight loss.  But they're not a surefire way to lose weight.

    They aid in weight loss due to the lack of huge amounts of fat in the diet fro meat, as well as gaining plenty of nutrients from the diet.

    However, one must be careful if embarking on such a diet, since they may not be receiving the same nutrients as meat-eaters, so once must be sure to take their vitamins :-)

  12. obviously , meat has fat in it and on it .

    as long as your a healthy vegatarian .

    i don't think vegan is healthy , you don't get the nutrients you need

  13. Im Vegan. :D ^^ i love veggies and fruits. >.> MmMMMMM!

  14. Not always , your portions, salt content, sugar content, and junk food intake also has a big affect on your weight.

  15. It can if you make the right choices.

    If you eat healthy vegetarian food you will loose weight

    A  diet that largely consists of fruits and vegetables will contain fewer calories.

    also you should not become a vegetarian to lose weight , it should be because you care about the animals that are tortured and beaten

    so people can have "tasty" meat.

    I think you should become a vegetarian.

    if becoming a vegetarian you will need to plan your meals carefully so that you have the right balance of nutrients.

    vegetarians are less likely to suffer from bowel problems such as bowel cancer and other illnesses such as heart disease.

  16. It will help you in many ways. Vegans after 20 are 60% less likely to get cancer and the numbers go up the longer they are vegans.

    I consider myself an endurance athlete. Cycle 60-100 miles every weekend. In addition I do weight training and have some upper body. I like the Vegetarian and vegan diets and for the most part I try to eat animal free. At the same time I need those meats to keep and maintain the muscle I have worked for. So I choose carefully.

    If that is not your concern I would go vegi/vegan. Not because I care about animals; it is a healthy way to live. Also remember that being Vegan or vegetarian is not a religion; people on both sides seem to forget that.

    If you want to lose weight  you just need a healthy diet and excersize.

  17. Not necessarily, If you're eating lots of bread, rice, potatoes, beans, cheese - no you won't lose weight!

  18. They are not weight loss diets, and there are vegans and vegetarians of all shapes and sizes from much too thin to much too fat.

    In the course of my life I have been a meat-eater, a vegetarian and a vegan. At different times I lost and put on weight as all three, depending on how healthily I was eating and how much exercise I was taking.

    I think some people get a little gung-ho about veg*nism on here sometimes, and tend to pull statistics out of thin air with no actual facts to back them up - 'you'll lose weight!' 'you have x% less chance of cancer!' etc. I don't think we are doing ourselves any favours by doing this.

    Hoping to lose weight is not a good motive for going vegan or vegetarian, and the chances are you won't lose weight anyway

  19. not for all people. but i lost 12 pounds when i went veg in december.

  20. depends who you are and which one you choose.

    My friend went vegan and lost 10-12 lbs in 2 months.

    I became a vegitarian around 3 months ago and lost 4-6 lbs.

    My sister has been a vegitarian for a year now and has lost no more than 1 lb.

    It really varys with the person.

    Vegan is a bigger commitment but you give up all the fatty things like dairy and red meats.

    Vegitarians only give up the meats.

  21. Well, yes and no. Depends what you are eating if you're going to load up on Carbs and eat stuff just because it doesn't have meat or diary than no. But, if your going to be eating fruits and veggies you might. But I suggest you take vitamins also, both of these diet can be difficult if you do not know what you're doing. You need to subsitute meat (protein) with something else. If you're interested in eirther of these diets please read a bit about them first.

    Here are some sites you may want to visit:

    Best of luck to you. :D

  22. As a raw vegan I lost a lot of weight, I needed to detox my body by eating salads filled with greens almost every day a few times a day which was good for me. Then I bought some raw vegan recipe books and continued staying active and gained good weight which was also good for me. I feel like the raw vegan diet will bring your body to its natural shape, I only eat veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, organically grown of course! :-) Good luck!

  23. It can a little,I was only very young when I became veggie but I stayed very thin, 23 inch waist and I'm nearly 16 :)

    It depends on how much fatty (paticularly red) meat you cut out of your diet.

    But remember if you go vegetarian you must get all your nutrients still!!!

  24. Not necessarily

  25. vegetarian diets are healthy. vegans dont get all the nutrients they need. just be very careful

  26. Not necessarily, but since it is associated with a diet lower in saturated fat and calories it could. If you eat the right things

    However if you gorge on nuts, carbs and oily foods you could end up gaining weight

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