
Okay..question on root canals?

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my brother had trouble with a pre-molar two years ago...hasn't bothered him since...but he had it vitality tested 8 months ago and was told the tooth was dead. i'm prepared to pay for his treatment, but should he have it done now or wait till it gives him trouble.

the tooth has only darkened a couple of shades and he has no trouble biting on it....




  1. Can't be good keeping something dead in his mouth.  Plus, it may be easier to get some kind of bacterial infection in his mouth with a dead tooth sitting there decaying.  

  2. It may be too late now to save this tooth.  The root canal should have been done when the tooth was tested for vitality.

    This tooth will probably not give him any problems because it is dead.  He will not feel pain in this area.  

    He should go to the dentist ASAP to have it looked at again.  Hopefully it can be saved.  If not it will need to be extracted.

  3. If it isn't infected and isn't bothering him, there is no need for the root canal. Yes, it might eventually bother him, but this could be 10+ years down the road. The problem with jumping into a root canal is they don't always go perfectly and may make the tooth start to hurt and it will also require a crown if the root canal is done. If there is no cavity and no infection, I wouldn't do it.  

  4. i think he should have it removed so it wouldnt cause serious internal gum decay.

  5. Don't delay. A non-vital tooth should be dealt with asap.

  6. i have had to have root canal done on my front main tooth it went down quite abit and started going black then the dentist bleached it over a due course of around a month but then the bottom of the tooth started to chip and come of then i had a filling put back on so it looked normal again atm it is okay it isnt completly white and the dentist said it never will be but if i had my word i would say the less work you can have on your teeth at the dentist the better because i swear the dentist fuks up your teeth an awful lot  

  7. I am not sure if you are saying he already had the root canal but here's the fact.

    Once a tooth has undergone root canal treatment the nerve is removed,and so the tooth is then dead.

    After a root canal the dentist should make him get a crown as teeth with no nerve are very brittle and tend to break. There is no point in removing the tooth at all as it will not cause any further damage to the other teeth or the gums for that matter as long as is kept clean.

    If he didn't get the root canal but the tooth is discoloured,meaning is dead,it would be better to get a cap on top just to make sure it doesn't break.

    It is never good to extract a tooth that doesn't need to.

  8. its probably best to get it done now as if you wait till it gives him problems this will be caused by an abscess at the tip of the root, and the dentist may not be able to get the tooth numb whilst it is infected, therefore he will be given antibiotics and wait for the tooth to get better before preforming root canal

  9. The reason why the tooth doesn't bother him is because the nerve is dead but that doesn't mean that the nerve doesn't have to be removed, hence the root canal.He should still have the root canal because the tooth can still become infected and can abcess at anytime, which will cause other issues. The reason the discoloration is because there is no vitality to the tooth and eventually it will/can become black. Once the RCT is done, the dentist will want to put a crown on the tooth. Teeth that have RCT's tend to become brittle and are easier to beak. Putting a crown on the tooth will help in the preservation of it. Hope this cleared your question and Good Luck!

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