
Okay really confused on a death!...tell me what you think happened...easy 10 points!

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0 LIKES UnLike boyfriends dad passed away on july 30th 2008.he was only 43 years old and years before my boyfriends grandpa died when he was 46. my boyfriend found his dad dead in the living room of his house and it was weird that he was laying down witht the tv off and the lights off too. he usually slept with the lights on the tv on and he slepy sitting up on the sofa. well the optopsy place took my boyfirends dad and yesturday they let us know that they foyund something in his body that wasnt supposed to be there...when my boyfriend found his dad he had foam running out of his mouth. we still dont know how he died but what do you think happened...we have no idea...we can only think that he was poisoned but were not sure...what do you think?




  1. my husbands cousin was found dead with foam out of his mouth. he had overdosed on oxycodone.

    im sure there is more than one reason for this to happen but this is what happened with him. he was only 20 years old

  2. If the coroner found something "that wasn't supposed to be there" during an autopsy there will be further tests to determine what it is.  The police will take over the investigation at that point.  Sadly to say, suicide could be a possibility.  

  3. He probably overdosed on pills. Your body will produce that foam if you've ingested something bad for you as your organs shut down.

  4. Seizures can cause this, rabies, and medication.  My Deepest Sympathy to you and your boyfriend & family.

  5. hey im sorry about doin this but this is the person sellin those toy cars,  they are hot wheels and matchbox would u buy them?

  6. Rabies.

    However, if he took pills it was probably an OD.

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