
Okay should i call child protective services?

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so my mom rents the front part of my house which is 2 bed one bathroom so its a wife husband and 3kids plus she is pregnant anyways since they moved in she has yelled at every kid she cuss a lot at them you can hear her scream all the way to the back yard they cry a lot idk what to do i feel bad for them i need advice my mom says not to call but i feel bad for the kids one time my nephew he is 9months old he was asleep outside and her yellin woke him up what should i do??? help




  1. I dont think you can call CPS on somebody for just yelling.  Sometimes you have to yell to get your kids to listen, and maybe she has a lounder voice than normal.  If there are marks on her children, or you witness something unacceptable, and I am not talking about a butt spanking, like her beating her child throwing them across the room, or slapping them hard in the face, then yes I would.  I would tell your mom to speak to this lady and let her know, that the whole neighborhood can hear her yell at her kids....and swearing, which nobody should ever do.

  2. She could be depressed.

    But, dealing with three young kids while pregnant will make anyone a bit bonkers. She is probably just stressed out with the three already and wondering how in the world she is going to be able to keep it all together with a newborn.

    Anyone else remember being pregnant in the summer?!


    Being pregnant with three young ones would be even worse.

    Perhaps, she needs some time alone. Why don`t you offer to watch the kids for her for a bit? Or, take them outside to play?

    I definately do not think you should call CPS for a mom yelling. That is not child abuse and is not neglect. She is trying her best to wrangle them in - obviously not working and she knows it.  Give her time. If your mom has issues with the yelling let her handle it. She is a big girl and doesn`t need you meddling in her financial affairs.

  3. i would have a word with her first don't forget they are only renting your mum could always kick them out and give them time to look for other places to live.

  4. Yep.  You can do it anonymously.

  5. I think She's depressed, I think you should leave it a little while maybe until she's given birth.. some parents can be pushy though!! Unless she wasn't with you, she might have been put under pressure by her girlfriends, or friends to step up her game! I think, I dunno though. I'm sorry - but just wait until she's given birth if it hasn't stopped then give the Social Services a call!

  6. I personally believe that if you are considering doing something and your decision is based on whether or not you can be anonymous (or not get caught), then you are not doing the right thing.  I tell my daughters this all the time.  If you are doing something hoping you won't be caught, then you better not do it because it is not right.  This is the same thing.  If you don't feel strongly enough about something to be upfront about it then you should not do it.  I don't know this woman and how do I know if she is abusing her kids?  Only the person who wrote the question actually can make that determination for themselves.  What really interests me is how quickly this discussion jumped to people being mentally ill and having bipolar and how "those" people will get back at you for calling cps on them.  This says a lot more about the people answering questions than it does about the person who may or may not be abusing her children.  I do agree that four children and a couple in a two bedroom area is too tight but perhaps money is really tight too.

  7. I don't know about where you are but the state I live in has a law about how many people can "live" in a 2 bedroom home.  Also, if the children are not all one s*x, they need to find at least a 3 bedroom home, especially with another child on the way.  This would be one way to get rid of them and what she is doing is a form of child abuse.

  8. Definately call. You can go to a pay phone and report anonymously. Just act normal when you see them and the won't suspect you. Calling might make you a little uncomfortable but it might change the kid's lives for the better.

    Thanks for caring!

  9. I agree that this lady is depressed, or bipolar, or has a mood disorder - whatever it is, though, she obviously is not seeking help for it. Calling Child Protective Services would be a wonderful thing for you to do. Because you are helping to protect innocent children. CPS will not merely take her children away. They will make sure that counseling or therapy is available for the children as well as a calm, supportive atmosphere. It will be temporary and they will get the mother help, too.

    However, I don't know if you'd want to continue to keep her there under your roof, unless CPS agrees to let the client know that someone "down the street" called them or makes other arrangements for the mother to think it was NOT you who called. Revenge is usually a 4-letter word with mentally ill persons.

    Ask if they will be taking her to a shelter as well and she can just take all of her stuff with her right away. After they get her some help, and possibly, some medication, she will be much calmer and think nothing of moving to some other area. Talk seriously to CPS about this. They will help you!

    You are an angel to want to protect her children - and possibly other children. Good for you, girl! Hang in there and do the right thing!

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