
Okay so, I'm a Vegetarian and i really have no idea what to eat anymore.?

by Guest66948  |  earlier

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Like everyday I start hating more and more foods.




  1. there are soo many different foods to eat! you just have to search around. a lot of veggie websites have tons of recipes so youll never get bored of food! just type in "vegetarian recipes" on google or dogpile or whatever and youll find a zillion. my personal favorites include: asian style veggie burgers, chicken mock meat, alfredo pasta, veggie lo mein (from any chinese restaurant), mac and cheese :), pizza, vegan brownies, and soooo much more!!! i know its hard at first, but its really worth it! (:  gooood luck.

  2. Variety! Find a vegetarian website with recipes that you haven't tried yet. Try a new one every week, and maybe spice up the meals you already eat to make them different. Hope I could help! =) Good luck.

  3. The key to not getting sick of your vegetarian diet is to get enough variety in your diet.  There are certain things you should eat every day - greens, whole grains, etc., but if you don't find new ways to eat them, you'll get sick of them.  I guarantee you, there's only so many baby spinach salads a person can take in one week.  When I became veggie, I started cooking a LOT more!  There are lots of great things to eat that veggies are allowed to have, but most of them require more preparation than insta-SAD (Standard American Diet) foods.  Some of my new favorites are quinoa, delicata squash, colcannon (a potato/cabbage Irish dish), and fresh mangoes.

    When I became a veggie, I did LOTS of research for recipes online.  One of my favorite sites is  There's also,, and  Those are all vegan sites (which I'm not), but you didn't say if you're ovo-lacto or not.  Basically, to keep yourself interested in your veggie diet, you're going to have to spend more time in the kitchen.  If you're not much for cooking, this is a great reason to start. :)  Good luck!

  4. can start to eat vegetarian human from now..........

  5. Hey, congrats on making the switch. Here are some protein-rich foods that don't have meat:

    PROTEIN IN LEGUMES: Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans, Lentils, Lima beans, Navy beans, Soybeans, Split peas

    PROTEIN IN GRAINS: Barley, Brown rice, Oatmeal, Rye, Wild rice

    VEGETABLE PROTEIN: Artichokes, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green peas, Green pepper, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Yams, Zucchini

    PROTEIN IN FRUITS: Apple, Banana, Cantaloupe, Grape, Grapefruit, Honeydew melon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Strawberry, Tangerine, Watermelon

    PROTEIN IN NUTS AND SEEDS: Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts (black)

    How about this: make a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, garbanzo beans, canned artichoke hearts, and some yummy dressing of your choice. What's there to hate? :)

  6. Get this book, I love it!! "Skinny B*tch in the Kitch"

    Also, I just bought "Vegan Planet" and it has so many recipes and a lot of info in it.

    Great recipes!

    I also fell in love with Morningstar products. There are many vegetarian and vegan choices.

  7. try boca

    it's a vegetarian food brand

    they have everything like


    -chick'n burgers

    -rib lets

    -hot dogs



    and it's all pretty good

  8. Sounds like your eating many of the same things over and over - and BORED!

    As others have pointed out - get some VARIETY in your diet.

    Try a new recipe.  Go on a website and find something that looks interesting - or get a cookbook.  But make it a point to try something new every week.  Try some new spices and herbs in your cooking.

    Try making something that you have always liked before becoming vegetarian - but make changes to it so that it is now vegetarian.  I have found that many of the dishes that I made before - I still can have if I make alterations to it.

    If you have friends that are also vegetarian - invite them over - each bringing a different dish - and have a buffet approach to the gathering.  I have always found that eating something that someone else makes usually tastes great.

    Go out to a some place that you like to eat - and treat yourself to a nice meal that you don't have to cook.  Best done with a friend - but can be done alone.  Just go out and enjoy a wonderful meal in a place that you like - and RELAX!  Kick back and just enjoy the food - take a book if your alone and just read a bit between each course - talk with a friend.  Savor the meal.

    Just change things up a bit - and I think that you will find that many of the foods that you think that you are starting to hate - you actually don't hate - just tired of having them in the same way over and over again.

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