
Okay so I'm pretty sure i have a UTI but...?

by Guest11064  |  earlier

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I need to pee every 3 seconds literally, but this only happens when im having my period. Whats wrong with me?

Btw im 14, please help!




  1. Definitely buy some AZO. It literally helps within minutes to relieve it.

    If for whatever reason you're not able to get AZO, drink tons of cranberry juice as well.  

  2. first, go ahead and take some azo. you can find them at wal mart, NOT TARGET. i think you can find them at walgreens too, since they have more medicines than wal mart. they're only for about... 4 dollars? and if you buy them they have a 1 dollar off coupon inside the box. after that, if you still have the problem where you need to pee during your period, then you need to see a gyno.

  3. First of all you really should go get your urine checked to check whether or not you have an infection that requires antibiotic treatment. As far as Azo it is the same thing as Uristat and you can find this anywhere yes even at Target you should not use this product for longer then 3 days, the worse thing you can do is mask the problem with an analgesic and not address the problem as doing this can have greater consequences.  

  4. I get that too. It depends on what kind of feminine hygene product you use. If you use pads, you could be getting an infection because you're pretty much sitting and rubbing your mess into it. Or, if you use tampons, it could get irratated from putting it in and taking it out.

    If you use pads, change often. If you use tampons, use ones that last longer so you don't have to take it out as often.

    Always keep it clean too. Drink lots and lots of water!!!

    Um, I make a tea sort of thing that helps numb the pain. Take parsley (a handful or leaves or even a little less, depending on how potent you want it) and soak it in super hot water (enough for a coffee cup) for 10 minutes. Take out the leaves and squeeze as much of the water out of them as you can. Then drink. Should take about 15-30 minutes to take into effect. Parsley is a natural painkiller. It helps me.

  5. Bladder infection or weak bladder

  6. Don't be scared are alarmed there are many causes of UTI, but the most common is wiping the wrong way which cause you yo wipe bacteria from you a**s into your v****a you should wipe from front to back, also another causes is wearing thongs going from sitting to standing causes your thong to move back and forward from your a**s to you v****a causing bacteria to enter you v****a. That is some cause of UTI if your not sexually active and not using protection you could be pregnant my sister found out that way I don't mean to scary you just being real  

  7. I think the first girl thinks you have a yeast infection.  I don't see that.

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