
Okay.. so I am fourteen and I drove my dads car and got caught by the police and have to go to court. Help me?

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I am very nervous about going to court so if you could just help me by saying what will be expected, if they are mean, i mean this is my first time going to court and everything so im not used to it.. please just help me :)




  1. At your age you will be more likely to get a ticking of , which i might add you well deserve,  but courts are there to correct misbehaviour not punish the foolhardy . We all make mistakes grit your teeth and apologise

  2. Hope you don't get a judge like the one I saw in Tyler for a probation revocation hearing. He didn't like the kid's lawyer. The lawyer was babblin' on so, while the judge rocked back and forth in his Big Chair, waaaay up there behind his Big Judge Desk. When the guy got finished flapping his lips, the judge said, "You might be licensed to practice law in Mississipi, but this is Texas." We don't take kindly to out of state lawyers done here. He threw the book at the kid...two years in the slammer for stealing a radio out of K-Mart.

  3. Help you in what way?  Tell you everything will be fine?  It won't.  You drove a car at age 14 without a license and were caught.  That is against the law.  Now you have to go to court and find out what the punishment will be for your illegal acts.  I'm glad you're nervous, you should be.

    Hopefully this will be your first, and last time to court.  Hopefully you have learned that actions lead to consequences, and sometimes that's bad.

  4. Why did you do something so stupid?

    You will be in the youth court so your solicitor will speak for you. You may get a fine or disqualified from driving when you finally receive your licence.

    You could also be fined for driving with out insurance, road tax, mot, and many other things.

  5. I'm sorry, but If you know Right from Wrong then you know that taking your dad's car and driving it was really serious.  What were you doing.  Showing off to your mates were you. Being the big man/woman were you....... and you got caught.  Your dad should ground you till your 17 years old then when your ban comes into effect make you walk everywhere.  Imagine having a ban and points on your " licence" before you actually HAVE your licence. ,This is what is wrong with this country. No parental involvement.  How the h**l can a 14 year old take his fathers car WITHOUT father knowing.... what was he doing   !!

    This has to stop NOW.  Kids running around stabbing people.... minimum 5 years in the jail.... NO EXCUSES..... T.W.O.C.  3 years in the jail....NO EXCUSES.... then they can sit their driving lessons at 21years old. NOT 17 or 18, but 21. They need to learn RIGHT from WRONG.

    As an ADI I see young people driving about in daddies range rover, jaguar etc... showing off.

    Back to your question.  You deserve everything that the Court will throw at you...... they will probably whisper in court (don't raise your voice to the accused in case it scares them) then they will give you some money to spend on a holiday and then the judge will give you his holiday apartment in Florida for 2 weeks.


    My children know right from wrong and they are 10 and 11

  6. They will not be mean to you, but the judge will probably give you a good stern talking to.  He will probably make you go to a special class, do community service.  He will make you not want to come back in his courtroom.

    It should be your father that you are more worried about.  You could kiss getting your license good bye for a long time if you were mine. You would have 0 privileges.  

    Don't worry about court I don't think you will have to serve more than 3 months in jail!  Just kidding it will probably be no more than 30 days.

  7. Yeah, you probably took it out and smoked weed and drank beers with your friends in the car and probably almost ran over a helpless child.  I hope you get life!!!

  8. you dont have to go, you will get a summons and theres a form you have to send back.

    you can pleade guilty and go to court

    you can pleade not guilty and go to court

    pleade guilty and not go

    or pleade not guilty and not go

    but as your under 16 i doubt it would make muchb differance either way

  9. just relax. if this is your first time then you probably shouldn't be too worried. i mean, you messed up but it could've been much worse. no one will be mean to you, you will be treated like a number more than anything else. it's like a revolving door and they will have no reason to think that you will be coming back. just do what you are told and pray the night before. good luck.

  10. You were acting all big in driving your dad's car at your age, but now scared about court, grow up you brought it on yourself.

  11. Have to agree with Oklatom.  

    You made your own bed, now you have to lie in it.  You thought you were old enough to drive a car, now stand up and be old enough to face the music!

  12. They won't be nice with you-you did a stupid thing a broke the law,you'd be best holding your hands up and showing you feel bad for what you did-they tend to go easier on people who show remorse.Learn your lesson from this and don't do stupid things like that again!

  13. 20 years hard labour........and thats just for taking up police time.

    driving a car underage thats a totally different matter. you might get a slap on the wrist and a free how to drive really fast course...... good luck. not forgetting 6 penalty points for no insurance.....

  14. 1.) That's what you get for breaking the law.

    2.) Chill out, you're underage, chances are, they'll go easy onyou.

    3.) It's your first felony, as long as you don't do it or anything illegal again, you have nothing to worry about.

    4.) The most they'll probably do is fine you/your parents for Reckless endangerment or soemthing like that.

  15. you say "this is my first time" as if you expect more in the future.

    Really, its a good thing you are worried about it.

  16. If You Can't Handle Doing Time,Don't Commit The Crime!!

    I Am sure you will get off with a good telling off

    and a Warning,even a Fine!

    Though I'm Not sure How You would pay it.

    Lets Hope This Is A Well Learned Lesson!

  17. You have grown-up, when you realise and accept THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS.  That is as good a definintion as any.  You aren't going to be awarded any kind of medal...  You could have killed someone, not least yourself.

        Expect the weight of the law thrown at you.  And don't expect to enjoy the freedom and privilege of driving anytime like you could have, if you hadn't been so stupid.

  18. since your only 14 they might be KINDA easy on u but when it comes to serious matters they are... well, serious. think of everything they might say and prepare your answers. if you act nervous or scared, they'll just go harder on u. relax, itll be fine/

  19. with a bit of luck you will get 5 years in prison.there is an old saying  fools rush in where angels fear to tread

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