
Okay so has anyone ever had a day where?

by  |  earlier

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u were so grouchy and felt out of it and keep getting hot flashes and u feel like if u stand up that u are going to fall right back down and u are so weak . i am 35 weeks pregnatn and this is how i feel today is this normal?




  1. omg hun im 35weeks and feel the same people think im nuts when i go out with just a vest and jeans on because i get soo hott lol anyways good luck to u  

  2. Totally normal I felt like that last week. I also ended up bringing up breakfast. I ended up leaving work early and taking a sick day. On those days try and relax as much as possible. Hope you feel better.

  3. I feel like that all the time and I am only 10 weeks!!  That's not normal? I cried yesterday watching the movie Mystery Alaska.  It's not a sad movie.

  4. Yes, that can be very normal at 35 weeks. Your hormones are going nuts as baby prepares to arrive.

    Just make sure you're drinking enough fluids and getting enough rest. Don't push yourself. You have a big job ahead of you! Best to you ...

  5. Hormones! Hormones! Hormones! You're fine. Just drink some lemonade and take a nap:)

  6. pregnancy progresses you get more tired and hormonal. Don't worry.

  7. Yes very normal! Congratulations btw!

    I just had a baby and I can remember that the last 5 weeks were the worst. I couldn't wait to have her. I was so impatient and I always had heartburn and was very grouchy and crazy. Even though I am normally crazy anyway. Get ya a fruit smoothie if you can. They always cheer me up. Hope you feel better.  

  8. YEP!!! I am 38 weeks. It happens daily. I eat healthy and rest as much as possible but the baby is just sucking the energy out of ya..

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