
Okay so i'm behind in school how can i catch up??

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Okay i'm 13 and i'm suppose to be in 8th grade i'm realy in 5th grade math and 6th grade everything else i'm homeschooled and my mom started a program called K12 idk if any of yya'll have heard about it or not but it's like public school without all the people and stuff so i was wondering how cann i catch up?? like i wanna be in 8th so bad! its killing me trying to get all the books done so i can catch up. is there anyway i can skip those grades or something??

PLease help!




  1. With homeschooling, the good news is you'll have the time to catch up.  Because you can get your work done in a shorter amount of time (as long as you focus), you can get through 2 years worth of work in 1 year's time.

    Just buckle down, make a plan with your mom and your K12 facilitator/teachers, and get to it.  You can't skip the grades, but you can get through them more quickly.

  2. You should go to a learning center for one on one tutoring.  Hard work and time is the only way to catch up.  Check out Sylvan learning centers, or for intensive tutoring in your area.

  3. If you're taking k12, you'll have to have your mom talk to them and see what they are willing to do and how they might help you out. You might be able to do a ton of stuff on your own to catch up, but that doesn't mean they'd recognize it and let you move up grades.

    If possible with your k12 work, do double the recommended work each day for math and double the LA. Make sure you are reading at LEAST an hour a day on your own time, a book you've picked to read just for yourself. This is crucial to increasing your reading level, which is usually the source of being behind in courses such as science and social.

  4. You sound discouraged, but it is possible to catch up.  It sounds like you are doing "public school at home" via K12, Inc. curriculum.  I don't know the curriculum the school you went to before was using, but K12 is pretty advanced.  Although you tested at 5th grade math and 6th grade for everything else, that is according to K12 standards.

    Since you are working at home, you can discipline yourself to do double the amount of work each day and to also do some work on the weekends and during your virtual/cyber school holidays also.  

    It is possible to catch up, and you can do it with a lot of hard work and help from your mom!

  5. not realy

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