
Okay so i am 36 weeks pregnant is this normal?

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i am 36 weeks pregnant i always feel wierd and out of it kinda like i am not myself. and then one minute i feel like i am so angry at my poor bf and i could jsut go crazy then i get tired and sad this normal?




  1. LOL totally poor thing.  Your hormones are crazy out of whack... you probably haven't felt normal for months now as this little creature takes up more and more room inside you.  I bet you a are also sleep deprived from being kick awake at night.  All of these things will play a factor in the insanity phase of pregnancy.  When I was pregnant with my first child... hmmm... I believe I threw a kicking and screaming tantrum at my husband because he made some stupid comment about a spinach lasagna I had made... WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!? that wasn't me.  Don't worry its almost over soon!  Post Pardom hormones aren't much better... keep that in mind for later :)

  2. Yep your in the home stretch remember in the beginning when you would cry at a commercial and be sooo tired the last part is similar.  

  3. yes it is your hormones.

  4. oh yes yes yes the joys of hormones. (smiles) I know what this is like. Except its with my best friend and parents seeing Tristans father is nowhere near me probably a good thing. It is perfectly normal especially in your 3rd tri. You're getting edgier the closer you get to birth even if you are not consciously aware of it. I get very skittish then I lose my temper at work if I so much as get hot even a little

  5. YES you have lots of ups and downs being pregnant especially at the end bc you are nervous whether you realize it or not you are!! Just try to relax and tell your bf you love him but hormones make you crazy lol!! Just try to relax...and labor isn't so bad you'll do great!!! Good luck!!

  6. After three pregnancies i can say this is extremely normal.  Your hormones are going crazy.  Have a talk with your boyfriend and family about it so that they understand to be patient with you right now.  You will also have some very strange and lucid dreams i know i did.

  7. yes yes!!!!!!!!! you should have seen how mad i was 20 min ago now i'm all happy!!!!!!!!

  8. yes I hate my husband right now I feel like he's the biggest piece of c**p in the world (sorry i needed to get that out).  I have decided that he gets no credit for this once i have her! lol yep see the angry part is normal.  

  9. this is compleatly normal its what pregnancy is all about. and after you have the baby it doesnt get much better (unfortionatly) for a couple weeks........i have a 4 week old baby and his name is keigan!!!!

  10. Yes! You should know all about hormones as long as you've been pregnant. You know how emotional we can get!

  11. Yes!  But we all make it through.

    Good luck to you!

  12. This is absolutly normal. Your hormones are going crazy. Its what happens when your pregnant. Especilly at this point of pregnancy. Don't worry. Your normal. And tell your poor boyfriend to suck it up. haha.

    Best of luck and congrats on your pregnancy!

  13. oh yes honey  quite normal  any day now,huh.   if you think you feel that way now , just wait til the lil booger gets here.  good luck!!! =D

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