
Okay so i have these really blue veins all over my body

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and my lower right side hurts often..haven't missed but one period and then my whole cycle switched up on me..meaning my period usually comes on the did twice..first time it was normal (7 days light cramping)..second time 5 days hardly no cramping..the next month it didn't come and then it popped up on the 14th for about 4 days but it was really light and no cramping at I'm waiting for the 14th to see if I come one again..but as i said I have veins all throughout my body that weren't visible before (i have a road map on my chest and all throughout my legs arms and hands and feet I can clearly see family makes comments about them now)..eating a lot more...lower left side pain..pain in my stomach when I stand to pains in abdomen area around belly button..lots of belly is bloated..and if i stand too quickly sometimes I feel like i want to faint..I am scared to test because i am trying to conceive and i don't want another negative..i doubt it will be but theres always a chance since i got my periods..what do you guys think..?




  1. I don't think its too  likely, with all that bleeding and all those menstrual periods.  

    Still, I think you need to take a home pregnancy test right away using first morning urine and a test that gives "early results" such as First Response.  

    Since you are TTC I hope you are taking daily prenatal vitamins.  I think you should schedule an appt. with your doctor and get a regular physical and a pap smear, etc.,  to make sure you are healthy. This is very important when you are TTC.  

    good luck and baby dust.

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