
Okay so i have this teacher..........question mark i dont need you -->?

by  |  earlier

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okay i have a teacher who is crazy or something because she thinks her husband was abducted and killed my aliens and thinks monkeys can fly OH and not to mention she called our entire class stupid and told us if we moved out we would drown in our bathtubs! and i have A's and B's in every class but i cant pass hers for my life and her classes have 2 diffrent books and she puts things on the test we didnt learn because of the books! *****!!!




  1. Get your parents/guardian to phone the school and talk to the head teacher of the facility. Or talk to the head teacher yourself. Perhaps even get your parents to go to the principal if it draws major concerns. xoxo.

  2. even tho that halirious. you should be telling the principal or whatever

    but it is funny as h**l

  3. Ok so u r not crazy!

    u must take her to a doctor or someone.

    she a very big problem.

    Of course u cant pass wit a teacher like that

  4. what is the question?

  5. tell the principle or dean because she is mental sick if she isthinking that and saying that stuff.

    no wonder you cant pass...ur not crazy.

  6. I've been a teacher for almost 20 years.  I think at some point in my career my students believed I was saying some crazy things!  The first and best step is to actually make an appt. to talk with the teacher.  Use "I" messages.  This is what I see (or hear)...  This is how I feel in class...  Then ask her for a chance to make a plan together for passing.  If this doesn't work, of course it is appropriate to discuss your concerns with either the department head or the principal.  It always looks the BEST however when you have actually and sincerely tried to address the issue at the lowest level first---with the teacher.

    Good luck!

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