
Okay. so i wanna be an ultrasound tech....

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know if id be able to volenterily go to an office where they do ultrasounds & watch & kinda see what goes on to make sure thats what i wanna do before i go to school for it.. & does anyone know how i would go about doing that ??




  1. Because of privacy laws, you wouldn't be allowed to watch other people's.  You would probably have to take a class on it.

  2. Before I could apply to programs, it was required that I do an observation period in an imaging department.  Until you see what the job requires, you will not know if it is something you are going to want to spend your life doing.  Privacy laws don't count when the patient gives consent for an observer to view their exam.  I have never had a patient once refuse to allow a potential student to be involved in their exam.  And when I was a student, I only remember a couple of times that a patient refused to allow me to do their study.

    Look in the yellow pages under "x-ray" or "physicians - radiologist" and start calling facilities.  Most x-ray facilities also do ultrasound.  Just tell the person who answers that you are interested in becoming a sonographer and attending an ultrasound program, but you would like to see the day to day routine of the ultrasound department.  This is not going to sound unusual to them!  Best wishes....

  3. i tried to get into that.  you have to become a nurse or something like that before you can even do it for a year, but the thing is it can take up to 4 years to even get into a school for sonography cuz the waiting list is so long.  

  4. Go to the school that does it and they will show you.  I went and was shown around and wound up banishing the thought from my mind forever due to the amount of death you will have to encounter on the job.

  5. I'm sure if you just start calling hospitals and tell them that you are interested in being an ultrasound tech they might be able to connect you with one. Or just ask if you can speak to one about some information. Once you establish a relationship with one I'm sure they'd be willing to help you out.  

  6. IT Tutorials-

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