
Okay so is vitamin water and/or flavoured water just as good for you as plain straight water?

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bcause i only drink bottled water (yeah yeah i know thats stupid) and i was gonna try the newe flavoured vitamin water but it has to be just as good for you




  1. Drinking  bottled water is not stupid at all.  I like Vitamin Water but i still will take straight water over it though.

  2. vitamins not in food naturally are horrible for you they have been heavily processed. there ok every now and then just don't drink to much!

  3. Actually vitamin water has a lot of calories depending on what brand you get. When you get vitamin water or flavored water just look at the nutrition facts to check the calories.

  4. Vitamin Water is no better than Coke or Kool-Aid. It is terrible, and will destroy your diet. Stay far away from it.

  5. Its almost as worst as soda. It has a few vitamins, but is mainly composed of sugars.

    And its kinda expensive. I say go all natural. Buy some fruits and blend them.

  6. Don't bother.

    They cost more.

    They have more calories.

    They have other ingredients that are not needed.

    Just becuase they add vitamins is no reason to by it. It is just a ploy of the makers to take advantage of people getting more interested in their health. As long as you are supplementing like you should be doing there is simply no reaon on Earth to ever buy vitamin water at all.

    If you want to stick to bottled water I would recommend either Aquafina or Deer Park. Their purification processes are extremely good.

  7. noooo..

  8. vitamin water is mostly sugar and coloring.

    if it's vitamins you want you'd be better off with a multivitamin tablet and plain tap water.

    the plastic of the bottle releases toxins into your body so whether its vitamin or not, bottled water is not really a good idea.

  9. like the other 2 said, its bad. it has a lot of calories and a lot of sugar. which is pretty much like drinking soda instead of water. so stick to regular water. but i heard propel was good too

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