
Okay so my brother has this girlfriend he met on Myspace and...?

by Guest64173  |  earlier

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I'm kinda concerned.

They supposedly both "love" each other.

But she is coming to our house to visit us and I'm worried it's like a creepy person coming to kill us!

Should I be concerned?




  1. I would also be, how old is your brother by the way?

  2. i would be i woudl talk to you brother about it

    I woudl so have him meet in public and then if she is safe come over to the house tell him what if she even is nice and steels from you or takes things or hurts you and the family  you need to be aware that he is not only putting himself in danger but you tell him that  

  3. I would be

  4. That kinda would be creepy.

    I'd be concerned if I were you..

  5. Dont be too worried. Maybe they do love each other. If shes too creapy or abnormal in some way you should be a little.

  6. well, it could be a creepy person coming to kill you, chances can be big or small.... Basically, I would tell your parents about it... thats a must!

  7. You should be concerned, but, it could be a very good thing.  Do make sure that your parents know about the situation.  

    I have a friend who met her husband on the internet, and it seems to be a good match for both of them.  They've been married for about 6 years now and have 2 children.

    I made a very good friend through Yahoo Answers who came to visit me just a few weeks ago.  We were delighted to find that we liked each other at least as much in reality as we did through our internet connection!

    So --- just because the met on the internet, it doesn't have to turn out "creepy."   But,  it is important to be cautious --- so, involve your parents or other responsible adults and have them talk with your brother about this relationship.  Perhaps there are questions they can have him ask her that will help them know whether or not she has represented herself honestly and whether or not their meeting is good at this time.  Don't try to make that judgment yourself.  Involve your parents!

    Best wishes to you and your brother!

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