
Okay so my shoulder has been twitching for about 3 days now. What is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't worked out in quite some time. I don't have any kind of insurance? You know how your eyelid sometimes jumps, this is what I mean by twitching but it is the top part of my arm this time and just won't seem to stop.




  1. have you smoked any salvia maybe 3 days ago? happened to me, i had a few puffs and my nose started twitching for like a week LOL

  2. Try stretching your arm out more often, do a little more working out, Use those muscles! My leg used to twitch a lot like but found after i walked around a bit more during the day, it stopped. It is very normal to have muscle spasms and cramping from not doing enough. There is really no need to worry if it causes you no pain or discomfort.  

  3. If I had more specific info, I could tell you exactly. By "twitching" do you mean a muscle twitch or a tremor or what? By "shoulder" do you mean the AC joint, the SC joint, the scapula? Where?

  4. i think u should go see a doctor or something.. or maybe go and see a specialist if it is twitching a lot and ask them what is wrong with ur shoulder.

  5. I get that sometimes too. Could be dehydration, or just stress.. I f it lasts awhile, just call your doc, but not that he can do much for it. I get them in my shoulder, eye and by my elbow. Good luck!

  6. did you pull a muscle or it could be a spasm try icy hott it should work

  7. Well, If i were you i would contact your doctor before it becomes to serious.Because i could be your muscle make a appointment as soon as possible

  8. It could be a muscle problem, trapped nerve, anything.

    Go see a doctor.

  9. you should check with ur doctor

  10. its probably just a muscle spasm it happens to me and my friends all the time.

    its normal and will usually go away.

  11. its muscle spasms.

    i have them a lot in my upper arm and it looks like my muscle is trying to jump out of my arm. lol


  12. If you use your shoulder muscles repetitively (swimming, tennis) you could have repetitive stress syndrome. It could also be a deficiency in a certain element like potassium. Eat a banana.

  13. have you worked out or lifted anything heavy? If a muscle gets over worked or stressed it can sometimes twitch for a couple days to possibly even weeks.

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