
Okay <span title="vegetarian/environmentalists">vegetarian/environmentali...</span> only????

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what diet do i have to follow to ensure the safety of the earth?????? and what else do i have to do? i already have a recycled purse, organic makeup, recycled NEARLY EVERYTHING.

soooo about the diet?




  1. I&#039;ve been a vegetarian for about 4months now. All i&#039;ve done is give up meat. I just eat everything else that I used to eat before. Just get in a balanced diet.

    PS: I still eat eggs. I just don&#039;t eat anything that has breathed.

  2. I have been a veg for 25 years now...although it wasnt for environmental issues...but i do try my best to support local farmers...and the produce/cheese/eggs are so much tastier than what you would by in a grocery store and most times cheaper, not to mention healthier.  Look on line for farms in your area, even if you have to travel a bit...its worth it!  Also, a lot of restaurants will support our local farmers by only buying veggies and farm raised animals.

  3. Ive been a veggie for a week

    Ive had NO meat :D

    but it depends really on what you fuss on

    Yesterday for my evening meal i had something


    fruit salad with 5 different types of food. so in that way i had more then the 5 a day policy because i had fruit juice too.

    even im struggling to eat.....

  4. I have been a vegetarian for so many years. I do try to buy locally grown fruits and veggies ( living in a small town almost always ensures that) and I try to buy organic ( though it is expensive at times). At least that way I know I am not buying anything that had pesticides on it, which is a pollutant.. I have recently started with composting, being vegetarian makes it easy to do, since you will always have veggie skins to put in there. Plant some trees, we need them. On arbor day they gave away free ones and I took 10. We are planting two in back and two in front and the others we will go plant in the mountains after the weather gets better. Being a vegetarian and an environmentalist, just being concerned with our planet and wanting to make a compassionate change is a wonderful adventure. There is no limit to the things you can do, explore and have fun, make it an exciting challenge. I think I got side tracked, sorry. The more locally grown and organic foods you buy the more you help the pesticides spray is always a good thing. Have you read up on how much energy is used to ensure meat eating and how little to eat vegetarian. Good reading. I hope some of my babbling Have a great day.

  5. I would say just make sure that you get enough protein and minerals in your diet or you can make yourself very ill..

    I am happy to see you are trying to recycle as much as possible..thats great..

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Eating a particular diet and  safety of planet earth has no mutual relation at all.

    You can contribute  by not wasting food and/or throwing food away whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian.


  7. You need to determine 2 things.(1) What are your health needs? Not everyone can eat everything. (2) How much does it cost the environment to get a particular food to your table ? Sometimes, even vegetarian food has a big environmental impact when it has been shipped to you from other parts of the world. If you can buy meat from a local farmer, it can be  less environmentally destructive than buying out-of-season fruit from South America. You ought to research farmers markets and other local sources for organic food.

  8. Well, I don&#039;t think you really have to fuss. Organic, much as everybody thinks DO NOT help the earth!! Organic farms produce less, and are usually further away because there&#039;s so little of them. Therefore, they waste a lot of energy. Only eat organic if you think it&#039;s good for YOU.

    Eat less beef, for one, because cows not only require a lot of land and energy to maintain, but they also have a large pollution footprint because of the amout of methane they release.

    Eat more local foods (farmer&#039;s market), not only do they help the local economy, they are usually better because they don&#039;t travel half the country to get to your plate!

    Don&#039;t be hazardous to your health, because you&#039;re natural too.

  9. You know, eating meat is not necessarily anti-planet. Humans are omnivors and our best health comes from eating a wide variety of foods to get our vitamins and minerals from.

    Organic meat is raised in an environmentally and humane way. Kosher meat is also humane. Cutting down on meat of other kinds is also a good way to help the planet.

    For some reason, in this country we feel like we have to do all or nothing. I believe life is all about balance. And if you eat meat, that can fit in just fine. When I worked at a women&#039;s health clinic, we found that some of the women with the most severe symptoms were vegetarians.

    So if you do decide to become one, please research it and eat a balanced diet. It&#039;s more than just eating vegis and fruit!

    But most of all, don&#039;t make something like eating a political statement. Eating should be joyful, healthful, sensual, and social. It&#039;s a time to celebrate all that the earth has for us and celebrate with friends and family - old and new!

    It&#039;s another thing we&#039;ve lost in this country. Think about how many times we grab something &quot;on the go&quot; or eat spilling crumbs on our desks because we MUST get something done. That is no way to celebrate the earth!

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