
Okay this is a slightly wierd question??

by Guest57111  |  earlier

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So i was just wondering what constipation exactly is?? I know that its when you cant p**p, but i heard that its also when you just have a hard time?? Also how do you know if your constipated? And what can help prevent it and help get rid of it??




  1. Constipation is a general term for slow colon transit time and/or difficult or incomplete bowel movement.

    A lot of inaccurate words have been written about it here and elsewhere - to really get the dirt on constipation (so to speak), its dangers and how to deal with it, I recommend the websites and

  2. constipation is when you cant p**p which is a hard time  the way you know that your constipated is if you have pooped for about a week or a couple of days some of the ways you can prevent it is not to take more vitamins then desired ways that you can get rid of it is prune juice yes it taste bad but its better then never pooping  

  3. ur constipated..

    eat healthier like whole grains instead of white bread.

    u need fiber.

    fiber pretty much scrapes the insides clean so its easier to p**p.

  4. FIBER. drink/ eat fiber helps

  5. Alot of fiber will help.

  6. Basically it's when it's really difficult to p**p.  You can get rid of it (and prevent it) by drinking plenty of water, eating foods with lots and lots of fiber (fruit, vegetables, whole grains), and getting regular exercise.  All these things will make your digestive system kick back in and work right! Most people eating a normal diet should be pooping with ease every 1-2 days, so if you're not defecating that regularly, or if it's hard or painful to defecate, you need to evaluate whether you're getting enough water, the right food, and enough exercise.

    Constipation means it's difficult to p**p.  I'm not sure how to make that clearer.

    When you p**p and it's in little balls, that's generally a sign that you're not getting enough water or fiber.

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