
Okay this is disgusting...?

by  |  earlier

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Alright I apologize for this being so gross but I really need help here. I get frequent boils on my butt.. usually in my butt crack. I wear thongs every day so I was thinking maybe that had something to do with it? I need to know what could be causing these and what I can do to cure and prevent them! I have very good hygiene and make sure to clean all of those "areas" very well but I still break out. They are relatively large, sometimes in clusters, and sometimes painful. They usually form very hard solid masses. Please help me out here and tell me what to do!




  1. I would highly recommend seeing a doctor. If you're sexually active you could have herpes, in which case you need to get medication for. If it is a pressure ulcer (from sitting long periods of time) you might want prophylactic antibiotics to prevent you from going septic. If neither of those two things are the case, the doctor should be able to give you some kind of special cream in order to assist you in healing the sores and keeping them from coming back. Also, I would recommend wearing underwear that does not irritate the skin that is typically effected with the sores.  

  2. well altho it is in a different place treat them like regular acne you would experience on ur face. cleanse it and perhaps put sum medication. i wear thongs as well but when i get home i take them off immediately, just wear them when you are out, but when you are home wear cotton panties or even commando, as long as you arent trapping oil when you dont need to. Another thing is when you work out do not wear thongs because you sweat so much its just increasing the likliness of getting more. good luck

  3. Thanks for the information.  Have a look at the link to see if can get some insight into your problem, but really, go see your doctor and get checked out.  Might be a tad embarrasing but doctors have seen it all before.  I wouldn't have thought a thong had any influence on it.  Good luck, I hope your bum gets better!

  4. DO NOT LISTEN TO MOST OF THESE ANSWERS!! I had an this happen to me.. A boil is an infected hair follicle and they tend to spread when they are popped and the "core" isn't pushed out.. You can either get them "lanced" (cut out) but I didn that once and it left a big scar on me... and then i broke out in lil clusters right above my butt crack and I just applied heat to them and squeezed them really hard.. It was very painful but the core of them will come out when a little hard things come out and it's most painful when the core is actually being pushed out.. the stuff inside the boil is kinda green and yellow and looks like loogies... it's very gross but when you get ALL the core out of the cluster of them (it might take a week) they will go away.... Ingrown hair can cause boils if the ingrown hair gets infected... TRUST ME... I KNOW!!!

  5. stop wearing a thong!! duh!

  6. Sounds like it could be a bit of an allergic reaction. Have you changed your laundry detergent or fabric softener lately? Your skin might be sensitive to the change, particularly where the offending article of clothing rests relative to the area you're complaining about. Try switching back to your old brand, or use a gentle detergent and fabric softener (like Ivory Snow for babies) for a while. If you notice that the symptoms go away, you know it was an allergic reaction and you should switch back to your previous brand.

    If this doesn't do the trick, you should seriously consider getting it checked out by your doctor to make sure it isn't a skin infection.

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